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Claimed:Harumpf Interview[Final 6/6]


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Harumpf Harumpf Harumpf!



Oskars Harumpf speaks to media.


It's been a while since we checked in with everyone's favorite 5'5" 250 pound superstar, so we figured we'd catch up with Davos Dynamo all-world center Oskars Harumpf and ask him what he's been up to lately.


Harumpf! Good to see you, where the hell have you been?


Harumpf: Ahhh, it's been a busy time for me lately off the ice, I have not been able to communicate with the media as much as my first 4 seasons, I know you guys must have missed me, sorry about that. Imagine all the amazing media sessions we could have had when I was putting up my career season of 76 points, which was a lot of fun by the way. I'm back though so hopefully you'll be seeing more of me.


That sounds great, hey what was it like to win the S44 Super Cup?


Harumpf: It was pretty cool. I led the round robin in scoring for our team (naturally) then helped lead us to the championship. Our GM drafted a great team and we had some fun in the locker room. I knew a few players on the team so it was an easy tournament to play in. Our goalie was great as well, I think that put us over the top. I'd be happy to play with any of those guys again, it was a pleasure to be part of team Paramorise.


Cool, so what do you expect this season in Davos?


Harumpf: I expect a lot and by a lot I mean the cup. It's time. We have a great team and excellent management. Everyone is committed to winning and is working hard, I see no reason why Davos should not be champs this season. I mean there's some other great teams as well, but I think we have what it takes to get the job done this year. I'm looking forward to it.


You started the year on a line with 2 rookies, what can you tell us about their game?


Harumpf: Yeah my boys Valmount and Perron, they've both got game. I told them to always be ready for a pass and be prepared to shoot at all times. Just always expect the puck even when it looks like there's no way I can get it to them, I will get it to them lol. Valmount is a physical presence who likes to shoot the puck, I think he already has 3 goals and like 25 hits, now I won't have to do all the hitting on my line like last season, should allow me to create more offense. Perron is budding sniper, he won't hit anyone but knows how to get in position for one timers, he has a few goals already also. If these kids keep their sticks taped I see 20 goals seasons for each of them.


Is it true that you're livid about the league taking away some of your skills this season?


Harumpf:  Hah, no it's okay, I mean they told me I was too good and apparently now that I'm in my 6th season they have to make me worse so I don't just dominate the league. I get it, but was not expecting it, so yeah it was a bummer at first and confusing, but hopefully I can get back to my original build pretty quickly. I see it as a challenge. So yeah, no worries.


Thanks Harumpf, best of luck this season!


Harumpf:  Thanks, I'll do my best to Harumpf as many teams as possible.



593 words.

Edited by Harumpf
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