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I didn't read entire article but lets face it there is just too many animals in general something has to be done with them.  Other countries eat a lot of different animals that we consider pets and we eat plenty of other animals that other countries think shouldn't pig and cow come to mind right away.  Fact of the matter is people in general are stupid they get pets then can't/don't take care of them which leads many times to more pets or mistreatment which can lead to them being taken away and killed since there is nothing else to do with them.

I didn't read entire article but lets face it there is just too many animals in general something has to be done with them.  Other countries eat a lot of different animals that we consider pets and we eat plenty of other animals that other countries think shouldn't pig and cow come to mind right away.  Fact of the matter is people in general are stupid they get pets then can't/don't take care of them which leads many times to more pets or mistreatment which can lead to them being taken away and killed since there is nothing else to do with them.

I don't know many countries that use Cows as pets rather than stock for food. But hey, maybe theres some weird countries.


However, killing off pets is against all things IMO. I don't care if there are too many, if they are still able to live don't kill them off. To me their is no difference between killing off too many animals and killing off too many people. When someone goes to India do they think their is too many people for one country so they should kill them off?

Don't think they should be killed. But if the people that are eating them, use the whole animal and not waste parts of it, I don't see how it would be different from any other animal. I certainly wouldn't but there's other countries that would. Certainly better than just killing the poor thing because of the money. It is the difference of the animals being domesticated that makes it deemed as wrong?

Kendrick: Cows in India, although not seen as pets, are sacred and it is deemed a terrible thing when cows are killed/eaten there. And the reason for you last point is we live in the world were humans>>>>everything else. We are the top of this cycle and the world revolves around us. Just how things work.

Edited by 8Ovechkin8

But I'd like to note I find it completely wrong and inhuman to kill healthy young domesticated animals. I could see why someone would put down an older animal with health issues, but young and healthy? Like what sense of morality is that.

The killing and suffering of animals is the one thing that sickens me the most in the entire world. Put a dog and a man and a gang of thugs and have the thugs beat on each of them and i'd feel worse for the dog. Is that crazy? Maybe, but it's one thing that I absolutely cannot deal with.


An organization should be started that acts as a foster organization for pets imo. Collect revenue from donations and government loads, hire animal lovers, cat lady's, all those kinds of people, provide them with a home, pet supplies and a source income and save the world. In fact, maybe I'll work towards that.

I hate dog pounds and shit like that for this exact reason. "Oh no one wants you, let's just kill you instead." Like, the fuck bro.

Makes me kinda proud the the humane society in my home town is one of the few that doesn`t practice that.  They are really tight for cash though

Just ridiculous, and proves that PETA is one of the most hypocritical and useless "causes" out there.


I wouldn't call it useless. They try to find homes for pets but sometimes you can't. It is very easy to judge something on this side of the fence. But imagine sitting with too many pets that you have room for, budget cuts because economic times in the United States are very tough right now, nobody coming to pick up the pets and having to buy more food to keep them all alive and healthy and getting to the point where you HAVE to get rid of some. What do you do? 


At a certain point tough decisions have to get made. Welcome to humanity. People get so focused on the way we live life they forget. We got here by murdering and killing and conquering. We are better than that now, to a point. But when push comes to shove in this world you even in first world society where eventually you have to make tough decisions that are still the root of the fact that we live in an organic industrial world where people requirements need to be met to keep things going. 


I don't like hearing these stories either to be honest, but I get why this stuff at times happens. If anything stories like this should motivate us to work towards a system where resources and organizations are as close to infinite as possible for stray pets like this. A facility that could house all these animals for adoption and have limitless shelter/food would be great. It doesn't exist. It's one of the reasons why I so much long to see the future, hoping we make it that far without any serious tragedies as advancing in various technologies slowly but surely works on solving a lot of our issues and will likely continue to do so. 

I'm not very good at getting my point across in words but what Devise said is pretty much how I feel.


I feel that away about everything not just animals America and many other countries are a great place of prosperity but we give tons of money to other countries in need while others in our own society suffers.


1) take care of your self (mentally, physical, financially, w/e it might be)

2) take care of your family

3) if there is anything else left then feel free to help some random dude living on a corner


I think government should be the same way and I'd much rather fix America by spending money on infrastructure, education, and manufacturing then spend money on taking care of an overpopulated animal situation or third world countries

Yo I called them out today on twitter and they had the nerve to say this happened over 8 years ago and hasn't since. Surprised they even felt the need to tweet me back, what a good group of assholes

Edited by sball66

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