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Every now and then you see hockey players in front of the media,trying to answer questions about pretty much everything you can think of. I hate talking to the reporters and interviews especially are pain the ass. That is why I asked from the management of NY if it´s ok to just ignore the reporters and walk away ? They said no, I pretty much have to give at least few interviews here and there.


I try to keep the interviews as short as possible. I tried to answer with Yes or No but the reporters are like predators, they wont let you go if you don´t give them a proper answer.  


The main thing why I´m talking about media is that I´m thinking about my life after hockey. Job as a reporter would be cool. As a former player I would already know how much some of the players want to talk and I would be able to ask proper questions. 


We shall see if that is the career I´m going to pursue after my playing days are over. Never too early to think about things like this. 

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