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With the NHL coming out basically saying “hey players do coke and we actually don't really care about it” It makes you think what do professional leagues really hide from the media to keep their image in the good not the bad. But what really is bad media?






A player hitting someone and getting suspended? No that's good because it's the league laying down the fucking law! For bad media we look no further then the NFL.




We have names like OJ Simpson who brutally murdered his ex and her friend but then got away with it... Well before he decided to think he was above the law and he was going to steal shit back while holding a gun. In my book and everyone else that is armed robbery. OJ got 33 years for that but can be out as early as 2017. OJ was a huge star and when this all happened the league was shocked. Well now live in a age where Ricky Williams retires from the NFL because of weed use and goes to the CFL. Players beat their kids and wives and that not mentioning the two biggest stories in the last ten to fifteen years. Micheal Vick ran a dog fighting ring, killed dogs and was convicted. But yet he is still in the league and all is forgiven.




Then there is Arron Hernandez who killed a football player for no good reason and may have killed two others. At least he will never be released, because if he was the NFL would forgive him. The truth is that the NFL is filled with people with questionable upbringings still trying to do what they did before they got paid the big bucks to play football.




So what is bad media? One would say “That's the NFL” to the things I just brought up. The NHL have had names like Sean Avery who would say outrageous things on camera and do outrageous things on the ice. Avery now not in the league was just arrested for numerous chargers.




Then you have Todd Bertuzzi who basically wanted to kill Steve Moore. He rammed his head into the ice to end his career and maybe his life. Todd may say he didn't want to but come on he rammed Steve's head into the ice. What did he think would happen? That it would be a soft hit and Steve would skate away? Come on Todd we aren't as stupid as you... well some of us might be. Raffi Torres gets 41 games for targeting the head of Jakob Silfverberg...but... he does have a history of this shit. So why in the hell is he serving more time then Bertuzzi for breaking Moores neck? All of these might fall under the “bad media” category. The who Bertuzzi saga continued for years because lawsuits. Then there are the many lockouts that casts a shadow on the league. But once again people might say that the league does it to themselves. They have Bettman running the league, a man that is widely hated by players and fans. So what can you really expect?






Then we have the VHL. Things happen without most people knowing. The whole “Fives a crowd” incident where I said things that most people were mad about. I actually am shocked that I wasn't “Permabanned” or as some might say “Ban hammered” for those remarks. Ive had players like Robin Banks that was a bank robber. Xavier Martinez who was a Mexican drug cartel leader. Now comes Sir William Covington III who has admitted to selling mass quantities of cocaine and to owning hookers. Those are just some of my players with issues. I am the first to admit that I should have been banned for some of the shit that I have said over the years. Hell even in my last come back where I mocked people about suicide and shit like that. Am I the worst of the worst in the VHL? I don't know and I don't really care. I am only using myself as the example because I know first hand of what I have done... AND IT WAS EPIC! Do I feel bad for all the shit I have done and said over the years? HELL NO! That's not me, to feel bad you show weakness. Maybe that is why these leagues and players don't really openly say sorry. Because they do not want to admit fault and show weakness.


There are many other cases that are not related to me. But the question keeps being brought up, why do the leagues allow this type of behaviour? Why keep allowing these thugs and “hoodlums” into the leagues? Well the simple answer is that it creates publicity for the league. Be it good or bad they don't care. Any publicity is good because it keeps talking about the league which makes people pay attention. Maybe we should adapt Mr. Mackey's great saying when it comes to dealing with bad publicity.



Edited by KingRobbie
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  • Moderator

Content: 2.5/3 - Nice article about issues with different leagues, and why the leagues let it slide.  NFL is probably the best example...  I think there are 4-5 guys on the Raven's alone who basically were forgiven after it settled.  Kind of bounced around a little bit and difficult to read at times.  Overall, not bad.  ~840.


Grammar: 0.5/2 - word processor bro

saying “hey players = saying, "hey players

about it” It makes = about it."  It makes

It makes you think what do professional leagues = It makes you think, what do professional leagues

in the good not the bad.  = is this a question? (bad?)

no further then the NFL = no further than the NFL

Well now live in a age = We now live in an age (2 errors)

Micheal Vick = Michael Vick (player name, c'mon)

say “That's the NFL” = say, "That's the NFL"

Avery now not in the league = ?

Moores neck = Moore's neck

The who Bertuzzi saga = ? (who = Todd???)

continued for years because lawsuits = because of lawsuits

The whole “Fives a crowd” = The whole, "Five's a crowd"

Ive = I've



Appearance: 1/1 - yes



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