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Broken Posts & Mod Access


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  • Senior Admin


Two things to tell you:

1. Some of you have noticed issues with various posts, topics, signatures, polls, etc, being broken with messed up formatting and such. You do not need to fix these yourself - a rebuilding process is being run in the background that is activated by forum activity (i.e. once a member views such broken items, the rebuilding tool automatically finds and repairs it).

It could take a day or two to have everything fixed but this is easier than all of us going through the tedious process of fixing it ourselves. 

2. Some moderator access may have been lost or altered due to the transition (for example a GM may no longer have mod over his locker room). If you have lost moderator access, please post here and I will re-do your permissions.

Thank you for your cooperation/patience, we hope to have everything running more smoothly in time for playoffs to kick off tomorrow.

-Draper & Higgins


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  • Will changed the title to Broken Posts & Mod Access

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