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Having returned from a hiatus spanning some amount of time, I looked around and saw that there were feeble attempts to try and bring back VHL This Week Trivia. But of course they were feeble since there were led by that old man sterling, trying to change the single most perfect invention in VHL history (take my word for it).

Well, even if it kills me I will not let trivia be tarnished by some lame one question successor pretending to be the same as the old thing. Even if it means we have two trivias which was actually part of my great vision once before Phil bailed on me and was presumably banned by sterling.

Here is a quote to make this look like a more or less professional article:

“With a bank of 32 excellent (some not so much) questions, I can definitely keep this running for another 8 weeks, prior to disappearing for the end of the season and first round of the playoffs again. Trivia shall rise from the ashes like a phoenix, with no guarantees of being greater than before since before was pretty damn solid already. Also, 1 TPE!”

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