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Claimed:zzz [2/2]


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Hey look it's me!

I like the idea behind the effects and stuff you have going on but the execution could just be a tad better. get some curves and exposure layers in there to blend everything together a little more and I think it would help a lot. The effects blend well into the render but the text and the BG stick out like sore thumbs. Ideally I always look at sigs as "could this be a taken photo if physics went wonky and text appeared in thin air" It sounds weird but it works. basically what I mean is that you want to see effects but you also want to have everything seem like it occupies the same space. Proper exposure and depth is the best way to do this.

That was a bit longer than I was planning on that but oh well. Aside from the above I would suggest blending the text a bit more, having the lighting effect the render a bit more (curves layers clipped to the render help a lot with this) and darkening the whole thing up a little bit so that the lighting and effects really pop.

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  • boubabi changed the title to zzz [2/2]
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