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Best piece of advice I can give you is work smaller. This would be considered an LP (Large Piece) which means its much harder to get right than a sig, as a Wallpaper is harder. Simply put, the more congas you have to fill the harder a piece is to make. Work with a sig size canvas (400x200 is a decent place to start) and work up from there.


As for the actual piece, get yourself some stocks and learn how different settings affect them. Right now this looks like a photo with a few filters and some text which is fine to start yourself off but it won't get you too far. Also, don't be afraid to go simple with the font. It sounds counterproductive but working with implicated fonts just limits what you can do with them. I've done better things with Arial and Helvetica than I ever could with something elaborate.


Jackim put up a very good beginners guide HERE which you should definitely give a read. It covers a lot of the basics to help people out. Follow some tutorials and look at what others are doing, you'll get the hang of it eventually.

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