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Titan Kronos Rookie Profile [Reviewed]


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NAME: Titan Kronos

HOMETOWN: Indianapolis, Indiana

HEIGHT: 6'3"






1. Passing

Despite being new to the sport on a professional level, Titan Kronos finds himself as a natural passer on the hockey rink. Many scouts assume his ability to set up teammates comes from his past as a football player, but Kronos himself attributes this to his hard work. The key to having a great offense is the ability to move the puck up the ice. Just like all other sports, the quickest way to do that is my passing rather than bringing the puck up the ice yourself. Kronos' timing on his passes exploit the weaknesses in the current defense and allow for a much easier shot for a teammate or even himself. 


2. Defending

While being able to exploit the openings in the defense while passing, Kronos is able to understand and recognize potential holes in his team's own defense. Not many players are able to transition between passing and defending seamlessly, but Kronos seems to have a proper understanding of what the most logical location to make the next move is. This leads to a nice mental chess game between Kronos and the other team's wings/defenders while trying to push the puck into scoring position. The angles he takes while in pursuit allows him to usually cut an offensive player off prior to them being able to do some damage. 


3. Strength

Being an avid weight room member, Kronos has always been one of the stronger players wherever he goes. With a new sport on his plate, it will be interesting to see if his football strength is able to translate over to this new endeavor. Many scouts have advised that he may spent too much time in the weight room, sacrificing some of his speed and flexibility to be able to out muscle the opposition.





1. Emotion

It's no secret that Titan Kronos is an emotional player at times. This can lead to clouded judgement and him going "off the script" during game day. While in this mood, he is not afraid to get into the faces of opponents or even teammates if it means somehow getting an advantage for later in the game. The emotion has been a huge negative since his high school days, but if you are able to keep him focused and engaged many feel the talent is worth the potential trouble. 


2. Scoring

Kronos doesn't have issues putting the puck in the net, but he does have a problem doing it efficiently. On many occassions, the player overthinks his moves leading to him finding himself in a much worse position to score. This leads to random shots coming from Kronos that cause many teammates to question what he thought he saw during the play. In a recent interview with ESPN, Kronos admitted to sometimes "just hitting the puck towards the net as hard as I can" to try to make something out of nothing. Scouts seem to be split down the middle on whether this is a mental negative or a physical one. 


3. Too Flashy

While notorious for trying to make something out of nothing, Kronos wastes no time in trying to add a little bit of flare to every little thing he does. No look passes, taunting checked opponents, or even cheering directly in front of the opposing teams bench seem to be big parts of Kronos' game these days. This leads to many on ice confrontations between him and the players on the receiving end of these taunts. Sometimes the head games have spilled over to off the ice confrontations where police have had to get involved. Despite no charges ever being filed, Kronos has a bad rap for being the guy in the middle of it all. 



It is really hard to put a finger on the potential of Titan Kronos with him being so new to the ice. Opinions on him seem to be split down the middle. Some feel is a high risk, high reward player while other feels as if he is a project that may require more time than any team is wanting to commit. In our "results now" society, it will be interesting to see how Kronos is able to develop while being apart of a true pro system.

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1 minute ago, Daniel said:

Starts on Monday man, but all the same you're killing it! We've been so lucky with the two guys we've gotten when it's our turn to pick on waivers!


Sweet. Looks like I still have time to do my bio this week if I choose. 


Any word on when I get locker room access?

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Overview: 2/2 - A little weak, but you have the age and height and stuff, and theres not much to write about if you haven't played any games yet. What you have looks good

Pros & Cons: 3/3 - Nice work, very well thought out. I like how you made some of your cons based on your players personality rather than his stats, makes it very creative and interesting

Grammar: 2/2 - looks good, only thing i saw is in the first pro i saw a casual switch from 3rd to 1st person, be careful about that

Presentation: 1/1 - All good here, picture looks like what I would imagine a person name Titan Kronos would look like haha


Overall: 8/8

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