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Claimed:All about Kai

Da Trifecta

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Problems in Yukon?




It seems as if there are many problems in Yukon. Kai was caught trying to get involved in situations with his teammates. Some he was trying to create arguments with and others he was literally trying to fight. It seems his teammates were having none of it. They simply ignored him because they knew he would be facing disciplinary actions for what he was doing. By them walking away they were able to not get themselves in trouble and they just sat back and watched Kai take the heat for his actions. GM Daniel overheard the situation and he quickly sprung into action. It seems he had a sit down with Kai and Kai just wasn't having any of it. he even got into it with GM Daniel. He said he was very frustrated with the position he played him at.


Daniel tried to simply explain that he was just doing what he had to to help the team win. He was looking at the bigger picture and wanted his team to be able to win a ring. He played Kai at the winger spot for quite a few games. Kai got pissed at this and started blowing up at GM Daniel and it would eventually cost him. He wasn't sure of what the consequences would be but he was furious of not playing center. So GM Daniel ha decided that he was going to place Kai on the fourth line as a center. This way he could teach Kai a lesson and let him know that he calls the shot when it comes to where players play. Playing on the fourth line would mean that he would have to do all the work as his teammates on the fourth line were complete trash. This was actually going to be the ultimate test to see if he could actually handle his own. While he was upset that he wasn't going to be playing with his other teammates who were good, he was alright with it. He knew that he had to face some sort of repercussions for the way he acted.


Hopefully things get better and he actually gets some more play time. He wants to help this team but he wants to play the position that he declared for the VHLM as. A center is where he is meant to be played. He is clearly better than the teams listed second line center. He just wants to play to his strengths the best he can. He feels that he can help the team a lot more from that position. Whether or not he gets played at a line higher than the fourth is up to the GM. As for playing the center spot, that is also the choice of GM Daniel. Let's just hope they can both come to a compromise that also helps the team out. I mean the bigger picture is winning a cup. So in time we will see if Kai folds and actually let's his GM play him where he wants or if Daniel actually realizes that Kai would be better suited as the second line center. Stay tuned for coverage as we will see what happens pretty soon I am certain of it.

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