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Claimed:Vlad Komarov send off


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Komarov's last day with Davos




Its not often a team hosts a day just for a player, but that is what Davos did for franchise face Vladimir Komarov. He spent his entire career in Davos purple. He finishes his career first in two categories,shots blocked and games played. He finished 2nd in PIMs, 3rd in hits. All these were stats he wanted to be,and was known for his offense finished in the top 20, with assists finishing 13th, and goals 42nd. Both are impressive given he wasn't known for his offensive prowess. Komarov is a humble man so when he was asked to speak he had no idea really what to say, he thanked the fans, the franchise, and everyone who believed in him. He stated his biggest regret was never helping Davos capture a cup, he felt that that was his biggest downside in an otherwise great career. He helped mold the young defenders this season, in hopes that they can capture what he never could.


The night was an exciting on former, and present team mates turned out in spades, all knowing one day Komarovs number will hang from the rafters. I mean it would be a shock to see it never go up, i do not think you would find many shocked if he was. He was always a joker, never down even at the worst of times in Davos, the type of guy you could call for help and he would be over no questions asked. He never demanded more of anyone except himself, never laid the blame for anything on anyone he was as his speech was humble. Often talking about the stars he played with guys like Richardson, Harumpf, Sinclair, McJustice, Shock, Koening. Never once calling himself what he is to many of the people there that fateful night.


The night, continued and the first ex team mate stepped to the podium, It was Mason Richardson his defensive partner for a few seasons. His speech was moving,


"Vladamir was one of those guys that every team wants on their team. Many say that, but what exactly do they mean? "Kommy" did his job, asked questions later and always stood up for his teammates. He will tell you he didn't have a lot of skill but we saw differently. Vlady had a ton of hockey sense and his stick work was very underrated. In the lockerroom he was great for a soundbite every night and kept the lockerroom loose. I've also never seen a player hit and block shots with such enthusiasm. He played with reckless abandonment and I personally want to thank him for his contributions to our successful years in Davos together. He made the entire team 4 inches taller and 40 lbs heavier when he was on the ice with you."


It sparked, many others to step up and speak their minds about the defender. Next up was long time GM of Davos Rielly,


Komarov was the ultimate teammate... a guy that fully bought in at HC Davos and was fully supportive through the good times and the not so good times.  I will miss playing with him very, very much.


The next one was probably the biggest surprise, not a former team mate or GM, but an opponent Matt Bentley who played for New York at the time,


"I was helping incoming GM Jack Reilly with S40 draft scouting before I was traded that off-season and I remember pointing out that Komarov would be a great pick based on the leadership qualities he was showing with Oslo in the VHLM. I am glad to have been proved right as Komarov's loyalty is beyond doubt and when New York played Davos in my last seasons and Komarov's first two, I can tell you that you could feel his presence on the ice. Sometimes quite literally and painfully. And to think that was only him as a youngster!"


Next was a former team mate now GM Toast who had some kind words to say about the Davos defender,


"Komarov and I were drafted in the same year. We joined up with Davos when the team was barren, but we both stuck around anyways. Komarov took to role of a leader almost immediately and performed well on the ice, knowing that it was pretty well required of him. Komarov will always be one of my favourite teammates just because he's such a natural leader and through many seasons in the league, I have not found anyone as passionate as he is."


Just when it looked like it was about to end, with a teary eyed Komarov in the crowd, his first ever GM stepped up to the podium to speak of the now retired defender.


When Komarov was first drafted by the Oslo Storm way back when, I knew there was something special about him. Not necessarily the most flashy guy on the ice, there was just something about his personality and the way he carried himself that made it clear he was a team player with a lot of drive, a lot of skill, and a lot of heart.

Komarov will leave behind not only a legacy of being a reliable and steady defensive weapon, but also one of being a player who was undeniably dedicated to his respective team and teammates. I wish him well as he rides off into the sunset - it was a pleasure being his GM and he will be missed in the league, but I trust his son Pavel will help fill the void.


Now crying, shocked at all the kind words the last person stepped up to the podium current GM, Ahma who had some kind words to send the defender off into the sunset, one that will not doubt be full of helping his son Pavel become the best he can be.


Komarov was such a great guy. He was a perfect team mate, he was a role model in the locker room, he did all the little things right on the ice. Simply amazing player. He has been the best and nicest player I've played with. And he will be that for a long time. - Simon Valmount


Komarov took to the stage one last time, tears still in his eyes, he thanked everyone for their kind words. He could not describe what they meant to him, as he hangs up the skates. Knowing he left a lasting impression on so many, it touched his heart. Hes unsure what his future plans are as of now, maybe after awhile of relaxation he will take on a management role later on.


(just added a picture realized it didnt save when i edited before)

Edited by Gooningitup
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Congrats on what looks like a great career. It's a shame I'll never get a chance to play against you. It read very well despite a few grammatical errors. Maybe a quick proof read could catch a few of those next time but it's no big deal. It got the point across.


Best of luck with everything, I know a lot has happened recently but you have shown great resilience.

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46 minutes ago, evrydayimbyfuglien said:

Congrats on what looks like a great career. It's a shame I'll never get a chance to play against you. It read very well despite a few grammatical errors. Maybe a quick proof read could catch a few of those next time but it's no big deal. It got the point across.


Best of luck with everything, I know a lot has happened recently but you have shown great resilience.


I wouldnt expect perfect from me, my main languge is russian. Though most will tell you my grammar, has gotten better since joining 

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1 hour ago, Gooningitup said:


I wouldnt expect perfect from me, my main languge is russian. Though most will tell you my grammar, has gotten better since joining 

No doubt about that.


I wonder if the new system will have the same effect as grading did in the past, like if anyone joins now if they will actually improve over time.

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5 hours ago, Victor said:

No doubt about that.


I wonder if the new system will have the same effect as grading did in the past, like if anyone joins now if they will actually improve over time.


Part of the reason i joined, was to practice writing in english. So certianly helped

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