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cool story bro [REVIEWED]


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Lookin' good. Really like the text, simple but clean. Render effects are very good. I like the dots, but I think it would be better if they faded as they got further to the outside. Could use a bit more stock work, but looks good clean like this as well. Great work.

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  • jack changed the title to cool story bro [1/2]
  • Commissioner

Well done on the lighting first off, I think it works really well here. I also like the text but think it stands out just a TAD bit too much, might be better if you just move it down a few layers to blend it better but not certain. I like both the dots (although as Jack said, get some of them blending in more to create depth) and the lines you used however I don't know if they work well together, they have very different themes. Overall, well done but missing a few key things to make it great.

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