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  • Commissioner

If we ever want to get this thing back up and running I think we'll have to go a bit more radical than we have done so far. My suggestion: clean house.


Open up a job posting for EVERY position on the VHLM mag. Even current people have to apply. Anyone from the current roster who applies gets priority but at least this way we can clean out the people who don't want the job / fell off the radar and pick up people interested in doing it again.


If we get this up sometime soon and take next week to iron out details such as deadlines, who's writing what, etc we could have an edition due the 28th maybe?


Seems like a bit much but I think it might be the kick in the ass we need to get this up and running again.

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tfong just PM'ed me saying that he can do some scout reports for the VHLM Mag, so another writer.

Cowboy was interested too but he never seems back on this site. I'm still waiting for an article from fever. If we can manager to have at least 3 articles for the first edition and then see if other writters want to be in the team after that.

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  • Commissioner

tfong just PM'ed me saying that he can do some scout reports for the VHLM Mag, so another writer.

Cowboy was interested too but he never seems back on this site. I'm still waiting for an article from fever. If we can manager to have at least 3 articles for the first edition and then see if other writters want to be in the team after that.

This is the issue though. We can't work on a "if we get them we go" kinda schedule, especially not myself. We need to get on a set schedule like we were before in order to start pumping these things out again. I feel like the only way we can get onto a schedule like this is to clean house so to speak and see who's actually committed and replace those who aren't.

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  • Commissioner

Just send me 1 article and I'll get this going


I can have Green, fever, tfong , IR with constant articles each week

this might be OK

Well then get us on a consistent schedule. I know I personally cannot do my job with a mentality that there MIGHT be an issue coming out because I need to see the articles and work off of them in order to make a cover.

Even if you don’t want to clean slate it at least hire some extra people so we have a full staff and get us on a regular schedule again because this doesn’t work at all.

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