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Claimed:new gal [REVIEWED]


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This is a problem I've noticed with your work: too bright. Get the contrast down so that your dark colours actually look dark. The wavy effect is okay but I think it would be better if the waves were larger. Colours look okay but could be stronger; although that may be because they are washed out. Text needs to be closer to the render and I don't know how I feel about the overlay setting I seem to be seeing. I think clipping a stock to the text on normal might have turned out better.

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  • Beketov changed the title to new gal [1/2]

Yo hombre, this is too bright. Use a lighting map, that should fix your lighting quick. I like the wind effect you have going on here, and the text is pretty good outside of placement, I think a tad closer to the render and it's perfect. Good job though overall.

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  • 701 changed the title to new gal [REVIEWED]
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