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Claimed:A Day To Remember [Reviewed]


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The scene at the annual VHLM/NHL Entry Draft.




It was the one day of the year where draft eligible players get giddy. Their time has come to take the next step and get drafted into the VHLM. One of those players happened to be the son of former Brampton Blade legend, goalie Chris Fekete. His name: Chris Fekete Jr. Announced as a late addition to the draft, many analysts believed that Chris Jr would be a first round pick (top 8) with the potential of perhaps being a top line center in a couple years time. The top two selections were set in stone (Max Von Hohenzollern and Apollo Skye) but it started at #3 where things could get interesting. As the draft got underway, Chris Fekete Jr received a call from Brampton GM @Smarch letting him know that he was very interested in selecting him with one of their first round picks. He also told Chris Jr that if he were interested in playing with Brampton, he would bring him on board as a co-general manager to help oversee the operations of running a franchise. Not only was Chris excited to join a perennial powerhouse in Brampton, he would also get to have a say on what goes on with the team. That also started tonight at the draft...



After the Ottawa Lynx selected D - Guntis Petenis with the fourth overall pick, Brampton were up at number five and number six. @Smarch called Chris and asked him "Other than yourself, which player do you think will have an impact with our organization going forward?" There were a couple of guys that Chris had socialized with during the prospects game, Keith Sampson III and Elias Forsberg. Chris told @Smarch that if you want to solidify your defence, go with Sampson. If you need a winger to compliment your scoring, then Forsberg is your guy. Personally, defence wins championships so I'd go with Sampson. After that call, Brampton selected Keith Sampson III and followed that up by selecting Chris Fekete Jr. We followed up with Chris Fekete Jr to get his thoughts and reactions to being drafted by the Brampton Blades.




Chris Jr: It's an unbelievable feeling right now. Lots of emotions running through my mind right now. I am just looking forward to working on the next chapter of my life and that's playing in the VHLM. It's time to go to work, play hard and bring the championship home to Brampton. The city and the fans deserve it.


Reporter: I couldn't help but oversee you having a lengthy conversation with someone on the phone. Who were you talking to?


Chris Jr: That was with the Brampton general manager, informing me that he has his eyes on my talents and if I want to join the Brampton Blades, I'm welcome to join. We also small talked and offered me a position with the organization to see the operations of this franchise.


Reporter: So are you saying you had a say in this draft?


Chris Jr: Yes, I did have a say but of course @Smarch has the final say in everything. I can suggest ideas, etc but in the end, he pulls the trigger. I'm glad he went with my advice of Sampson. He has untapped potential and will be a force in this league. No doubt.


Reporter: What's the first thing you're going to do when you arrive in Brampton?


Chris Jr: Meet up with my other teammates and get to know them on a personal basis. Team bonding is very important. I don't want to be a distraction and I want to go out there and represent myself in a positive manner, not only for myself but for the city of Brampton, their fans and the Brampton Blades.





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Good job here. I'm looking forward to the excitement of the VHLM draft again with my 2nd player. I wasn't that into the league the first time around. 


Didn't notice any issues with the article. Formatting looked good and all that. I did notice you called Brampton a perennial powerhouse though, and just a couple seasons ago they had no actives lol I would know, I was GM. 

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