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Second Thoughts on Player


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First and foremost to my team, I'm sorry if the titles scared you I was just trying a little word play on the recent string of articles. 


Everyone is talking about the new two player proposal and I thought I would give my two cents.  Well I guess it isn't much of a proposal anymore since it looks like it went through.  I see a lot of the appeal of having the two players.  The biggest pro being that the player pool gets an immediate jump.  The league was smart to curtail this by having a pool in the first few seasons to make that there wasn't a sudden influx of players to create one super draft.  


However, I do have one concern that maybe wasn't brought up (or maybe was I didn't read the thousands of pages of discussion over this).  But how will this effect the carryover and pensions?  To me this looks like a pretty easy shortcut to get to the ideal Pension Plan.  


A player could create their original player then a few seasons later create their number two.  Once player one hits 400 TPE they could retire that player and give the carryover to their second guy, giving them a small but noticable boost to hit 400 TPE again and retire their second player of 400 TPE.  Will anyone make use of this shortcut?  Maybe maybe not, but I feel it should be noted that it is there.


Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong about this being a possibility.

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As for carryover I feel like you can only claim carryover from a fallen player. So if in two seasons you get to create your player #2, whose name shall be Gilbert Rapes, he has to start out with the base 30 or 0 or whatever (I'm not entirely clear on that). However, when a couple seasons after THAT you decide to retire XXX TPE Wesley Babiy because he's old and shitty, you can then re-create another player with Babiy's carryover. His name is Steve Jobs. And then after that when Gilbert Rapes retires, I'm kind of assuming you can create a player with HIS (Rapes') carryover, while Steve Jobs is still active and accumulating points. It's very simple as you can see.


Which actually just made me realize something that I don't if it's been acknowledged: I think it's now possible to have three players in the league at one time, if only for a season. I don't really think that's a problem, but it is amusing.

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