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Every now and then I get into trouble, because I care too much and people will take advantage of it.  For example, last week I was going through my mail with my assistant and we found a letter that asked if I would be interested in donating my time to local junior hockey team here in Davos? I naturally was interested in the offer, since I like to share some of the things I have learned over the years and on top of that, charity work that involves kids and hockey? Perfect for me.


The letter had contact info,so I ordered my assistant to call them and figure out all the details. Everything was pretty straight forward, my assistant set everything up, I was going to spend a Saturday afternoon with the kids and basically teach them a thing or two about hockey.  That Saturday was yesterday and I must admit that it did not go as well as I hoped.


When I got there, the arena was locked and I had to call a guy to come and open the door for me. Can you believe that? All-start level player like myself calling a guy to come open the door?  Naturally I was slightly annoyed, but decided to ignore it and focus on staying positive. 




Once I got inside the arena, the smell was absolutely disgusting and on top of that, the ice was in terrible condition, but the same guy who opened the door for me earlier told me that he will take care of the ice. 


Not the ideal start for the whole event, but once again I decided to try and stay positive. I went to get ready in the locker room while the ice was getting taken cared of.  I don´t even want to start with the locker room, there were no towels or doors in the bathroom.  It´s easy to forget how well we have things in our day to day lives as a professional hockey players, but at the same time, these type of conditions were normal for me when playing as kid in Finland.




Took me roughly 15 minutes to get everything ready, I headed towards the ice and I must admit that it did not look that bad. I went to shoot the puck around for a bit while waiting for the kids to show up. I waited and waited, soon it was pretty clear nobody is coming. It´s one thing to be late five minutes or so, but 30 minutes?


I was rather furious at that point, I called my assistant and it turns out that he told me the wrong date, the whole thing was supposed to happen next Saturday, not yesterday. I could not believe what I was hearing, how can someone mess something like that? I was right next to my assistant while he was talking on the phone?


Unfortunate mistake for me and for my assistant, he now has to clean my place for two weeks. I will still go back in next Saturday to run the whole thing like we talked about. I still don´t understand how my assistant managed to mess something up like this? I guess he was tired or something.

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Interesting article here. Will there be a follow up article about how the actual event went?


I think you used "I must admit" at least twice in the article. Might just be me but maybe you should try to mix it up a little bit. If you notice yourself using the same phrase twice, see if you can think of another way to say it. Could have used "I gotta say" or something. Really my only critique. Nice job.


Oh, and center the images, please :lol:

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