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vhlm gm's don't read this it's my secret plans for how I'm going to make yukon great


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Diana Maxwell is going to lead the league in goals this season. Or so say the majority of the people who have posted predictions so far. For some reason the people who are copying are copying me. That's probably the wrong decision, but ADwyer told them not to copy him, and I guess they don't trust gregreg.


But this isn't about predictions; I just recorded a podcast on those. (Phil Hamilton is going to win MVP, by the way). This is about something else. Oh, right, I get to make a second player, someone for the S53 draft. That'll probably be a podcast topic in the future. Maybe. I already have some ideas for my player. Potential names include, but are not limited to: r4ngeR, PhilDavid Gow, Rhett DeGarth, Edwin Threeencarnacion, Lichbane Firecannon, aaaaaaaaaaa, Sam Helberg, and Free Agent. I think I'll be going with a more "fun" route, though I'm also leaning towards a goalie, which would probably equate to not fun. Plus, Firecannon doesn't seem like a goalie kind of name, though all of DeGarth, Threeencarnacion, and Helberg would be fitting.


I'm nearing 200 words, so I'll -- we've got breaking news people: Alokin Alset has retired!


I'm Yukon's GM again.

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