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Hello VHL.


As you probably are not aware yet, Sunday will be my champagne birthday. I have some non-league celebrating to do over the next couple days, but on Sunday I have to return to work, and I'll be low-key in my hotel room by myself in the evening :):( .


SO! I have decided to another special edition of "Drinking with Jardy!" Guests would be neat, but I'd entirely understand if you didn't want to drink on a Sunday night with some random on the Internet.


That said, I'll toss up this thread for any potential guests, questions, or requests of things for me to do on the podcast. I intend to drink an entire bottle of Baby Duck, since it is my champagne birthday after all. Maybe more, since I don't actually know how hard that is or how fucked up that will get me. I'm doing the same thing tonight though, so I guess I'll find out.



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I'll guest to say happy birthday.


I'll even bust out my 12-year old scotch for the occasion.


Okay, I was going to do that anyway, but now I have a valid excuse.



as long as my laptop doesn't explode. 

I probably won't do the bottle of Baby Duck thing, because I just did that last night with a 1.5L bottle and it was probably a Top 5 or 10 drinking mistake I've made in my life. I didn't get super trashed or anything, but my body was hard rejecting it and any other new fluids from both ends for most the night.


Still a fun night though.

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