BluObieZ 1,125 Posted October 14, 2016 Share Posted October 14, 2016 (edited) INT-BANK-DAY A man is pacing around the bank while holding an AR-15, he is on the cellphone talking to the police as his hostages are all huddled in the corner near the back of the bank. Robber If you guys come in here I will kill everyone The robber waits for a response, after taking in what he hears he gets mad Robber What? Have you fucking lost it? Are you seriously calling my bluff? Are you that stupid? EXT-STREET-DAY MAX KING a white male in his early 30’s is sitting in a blacked out Ford F150 FX4 with his feet on the dashboard as he is eating a slice of pizza. King Yep, I think you are too much of a pussy to pull the trigger… Actually I know you are Robber I just robbed a bank asshole don’t question what I can and cannot do Max nods as he does not care about what he is hearing, he tosses the crust of pizza slice down at the ground King Fuck that’s good pizza The robber looks out the front doors of the bank at Max sitting in the truck that is parked right on the curb of the bank. Blocking any clear shots snipers would have. Robber Are you seriously eating the pizza that I asked for the hostages? King Yep, and it’s fucking good pizza. It’s from Gino’s, he makes a good pizza. Do you know Gino’s on 51st and 3rd? Robber think for a second kind of surprised by the question Robber Yeah, who doesn’t know Gino’s? Max hops out of his truck as he grabs the pizza box off the hood of the truck. He then walks towards the bank with swagger in his step King An idiot good sir an idiot that’s who Robber looks at Max walking towards the front door Robber You aint coming in here Robber tries to lock the door but Max kicks the door open knocking open and knocking Robber to the ground. Max looks down at Robber and shakes his head as he helps him up. As we see this we cut to the opening titles King & Mulligan INT-BANK-DAY King First rule of a bank robbery, stay on your feet. Technically and figuratively. Something you clearly cannot grasp. Max locks the bank doors before leading Robber into a back office of the bank King Where is the money? Robber looks around Robber Uh… inside the vault? King No you moron, not the money in the vault I am talking about the money you got when you first came in here Robber In my bag King Which is where? Robber I left it in the hall King Second rule... my dimwitted wonnabe bank robber is that you keep the thing you are taking with you at all times Robber runs and gets the bag of money and brings it back inside the office King Good recover bud, good form and quick wits bro that’s what it takes to be a successful bank robber. But! Sadly and I really do mean sadly because I really wanted you to succeed. Something about you makes you very likeable, but you really are not that smart Robber WHAT THE FUCK MAN! I had enough of this shit. You shut your mouth right the fuck now Robber shoves the barrel of the rifle in the face of King Robber I’ll fucking shoot you if you don’t shut up King smiles as he calmly grabs for another slice of pizza King Put the gun down, you aren’t going to shoot anyone. If anyone gets shot it will be you. Either you will shoot your own self or if you shoot off a round they will rush in here and bum rush you faster than Big Will in jail. So I ask again put the gun down and sit the fuck down. Robber thinks for a second before lowering the rifle and falling helplessly into a chair Robber You’re right, I am worthless King Word I never said, I called you dimwitted. There is a difference. Robber I should have thought this through King You should have and you didn’t Robber You come in here and you point out shit I am doing wrong. Things I should know but I don’t maybe I should hang up the robber ski mask King The thing is that you have no leverage bud, none at all. You are surrounded at least twenty police officers and that’s not mentioning SWAT and the snipers. Oh and the biggest thing, which actually technically is two rules wrapped into one. Rule number three is get out of the bank before you have a standoff of the police. Nine out of ten bank robberies fail if there is a police standoff… which is a surprising stat it really should be ten out of ten. But moving on… the forth rule is make sure if you have hostages, always and I mean always keep an eye on them. Robber looks at where the hostages were to see them all gone. King Because as of right now you have none Robber tries to point out that King is technically a hostage but King stops him King I am not a hostage because I am too good to be one Robber looks down in defeat as he turns around to look at Max who now hold two stacks of money in his hands as smells them as he holds up a pair of handcuffs King Put these on A defeated robber grabs the cuffs as King puts the stack of money in the inside pocket of his jacket and lights the other on fire before dropping it into the trash. INT-PRECINCT 44-DAY King walks into the precinct getting high fives and cheers for what he did at the bank. King goes to sit at his desk as STEVE MULLIGAN @TheLastOlympian07 a 30’s white nerdish looking man walks up to him. Mulligan That was some shit you pulled at the bank King Pulled? I saved lives and the money. The bank has all its money isn’t that all that matters? Mulligan In my eyes yes, but Commish won’t be happy King Fuck him Mulligan shakes his head Mulligan Sometimes I wish… King Wish what? Mulligan Nothing King No, say it. Be a man and say it King stands up as he slaps down his hand on the table make a loud noise so everyone hears it and looks at him King Mulli here wants to say something but is too much of a pussy to fucking say it. So I want everyone to chant “pussy” till he says it Everyone in the precinct even the criminals start to chant “Pussy” Mulligan sighs and whispers to King Mulligan I wish you were a bit more normal King cups his hand to his ear King What was that? The chants get louder to the point where CAPTAIN VIC VICKERSON @Victor a 40’s something beaten down man comes out of his office as he sips his coffee. Mulligan looks at him hoping he will stop King but Vic shrugs and motions him to say what he wants to Mulligan I wish you were a bit more normal King celebrates that Mulligan actually said it King HE SAID IT! DRINKS ON ME! King pats Mulligan on the shoulder as he looks at Vic who motions the two into his office. King and Mulligan head into the office INT-VIC’S OFFICE-DAY Vic Close the door Mulligan closes the door and goes to sit down but sees that the only chair left is broken so he is forced to stand Vic I’m not sure if I want to know this, but I have been told that I should ask before Mitchell gets here. What happened today? Mulligan We got there at precisely one thirty two PM the perp was inside… King interrupts Mulligan King That doesn’t sound very precise how many seconds was it? What angle did I park? Where did I park? What was I driving? How fast? How good was the rack on the girl at the coffee shop at the corner? Mulligan sighs Mulligan We left Gino’s Pizza at fifty first and third heading east towards the scene doing about fifty five down third in King’s blacked out Ford F150 FX4. This is when I requested King to slow down to traffic speed. He instead sped up to seventy as asked me “how’s that”. Next King proceeded to take a right on Sixth Avenue and proceeded to drive in the bus lane. A fact I pointed out so King decided to turn so we were on the wrong side of the road heading into oncoming traffic. A fact that did not phase my partner. After a near miss with a school bus at sixth and forty seventh King pointed out the so called rack on the girl wearing a short skirt, with a white blouse and knee high boots on the corner of sixth and forty fifth. King now proceeded to hop the curb with his truck because that is what they are built for and park on an angle that will and I quote “fuck with the snipers” Vic thinks for a second before turning to King Vic Sounds like a typical day King I’d say Vic Well, if it was up to me I would say case closed but Commissioner Mitchell is heading here to talk to you two. Apparently some money is missing and he wants to know if you have any idea where the robber may have put it King I know exactly where it is Just then a loud voice that rattles the glass in the office can be heard yelling King’s name. Soon after COMMISSIONER MITCHELL @Higgins a 40’s black man can be seen in the doorway to the office. King quickly reaches and locks the door so he cannot enter the office. King Sorry no one’s here Mitchell does not look pleased Mitchell OPEN THE DOOR King What door Mitchell The door that I am standing in front of King Oh that one? Mitchell Yes King I can’t Mitchell begins to yell Mitchell OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR RIGHT FUCKING NOW OR I WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A SILVER PLATTER BY SUNDOWN The glass shatters, Mitchell reaches around the shattered glass and unlocks the door before opening it and entering the office. Mitchell then walks behind Vic as his eyes do not leave King. Mitchell So tell me what happened to the money King What money? Mitchell Don’t play coy with me King Play coy? I’m not a fish Mitchell JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED TO THE MONEY King Again I ask you to be more specific. What money are we talking about? The money in my wallet? The money in my jacket? The pennies in Mulli’s piss poor pocket? Mitchell THE MONEY THAT IS MISSING FROM THE FUCKING BANK The windows to the outside of the precinct rattle as Mitchell hits that glass shattering note briefly King Oh that money? Well that’s easy. Dude was hopped up on some drugs. I entered and he was yelling some shit about Allah and how he was so great. Then he did a little dance which ended in a weird yet well-choreographed booty shake before he lit to wads of cash on fire before tossing it over his… King pauses King Left… no… Right shoulder into the trash bin… or is it a can?... never mind. It was over his righ… no actually left shoulder in a perfect arch. It was flawless I tell you. Almost Steph Curry like. Dude may have had a career in basketball if he didn’t choose the life of crime. But anyways that’s what happened, he tossed it over his right shoulder on fire and it was a sight to be seen. Mitchell just about heard enough at this point Mitchell NOW YOU LISTEN HERE YOU SORRY EXCUSE FOR A POLICE OFFICER King Detective Mitchell SHUT UP! All the glass in the precinct shatters Mitchell YOU BETTER SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT BECAUSE I WILL NOT PUT UP WITH THIS FOR MUCH LONGER. I WILL NOT HAVE TOMFOOLERY LIKE THIS IN MY CITY Mitchell goes to leave King Sir are you sure it’s tomfoolery? I was just thinking about that today and I thought to myself at most its Shenanigans maybe even Hooliganery but Tomfoolery is a bit of a stretch Mitchell I’ll use any word I please Mitchell looks around at the damage to the glass Mitchell You know you guys are the only precinct that has a glass department King I know, it’s pretty cool isn't it? Mitchell It’s not Mitchell leaves as Vic pulls a file out from his desk and hands it to Mulligan Vic I was going to give this to you two before he came Mulligan What is it? Vic A rash of low key drug deals that we feel maybe points at the Mongolians being back in town or maybe even the Yakuza Mulligan We’re on it sir King stands up and grabs the file from Mulligan and rips it up King Damn right we are and I know just exactly where to start INT-FONGS PLACE-DAY Mulligan and King are sitting in the most Asian restaurant you have ever seen in your life. King seems to be enjoying his bowl of noodles as Mulligan sips on a soup. Mulligan’s head seems to be on swivel as he wonders why they are there Mulligan Why did we come here? King You mean you don’t know? Mulligan Know what? King The Yakuza are an Asian gang Mulligan Yeah… so King We are in a Asian restaurant Mulligan Okay… I’m not following you on this one King Yakuza is Asian, this place is Asian, and the Yakuza are back in town… do the math Mulligan Okay… that’s a stretch even for you King Is it? Mulligan Yes King looks at Mulligan with a half kidding face King Is it? Mulligan Yes! King looks at Mulligan with a more serious face King Is it really? Mulligan Yes, just because this place happens to be Asian does not mean it is some sort of front for the Yakuza A surprised look comes across the face of King King Front? Wow I didn’t think about that. I just thought the Yakuza hung out here because their kind seem to like this food. But that’s a good theory Mulligan Oh god King Oh god what? You helped out our investigation Mulligan But now you will go and do something stupid and then Mitchell will yell at us King At me not you Mulligan I still need to sit through it King Trust me when I say this, if this goes the way I just thought about it will end great for us and Mitchell will be signing your name from the high hills… mine not so much… especially if it goes the other way I can think of and we make this place into a bullet riddled place and you have to do all the paper work and answer all the questions on why I decided to kill all the Yakuza before asking one question Mulligan Please don’t do that Just as Mulligan says that the most Asian person you have seen in your whole entire lifetime and times that by say… fifty. Appears seemingly out of nowhere holding a tray with two fortune cookies. This is FONG SHWAY SON @tfong an 80’s Asian man. Fong Yes please sir do not kill everyone cause I no like death King looks at the short Asian man and laughs King Let me guess you run the Yakuza right? King laughs harder King We have to worry about a gang of short people and a mafia from a country that hasn’t done shit in like a thousand years Mulligan Calm down we don’t want to offend anyone King What is he going to do? Punch my shin? King laughs harder as he stands up to leave King This is a waste of our time, if short Asian men want to peddle drugs out of here let them because at their height they are no threat to anything taller than a grasshopper King grabs his fortune cookie and rips it open before tossing the cookie away King Get that shorty… grasshopper? Hahaha where do I come up with this shit? King reads his fortune which reads “Ye he looks at himself in the mirror sees nothing looking back because they are dead and have no eyes to look with young grasshopper” King crumbles up the fortune thinking it has a deeper meaning. As he leaves the place he yells King Oh and the food is on you guys, we’re cops so we eat for free Mulligan reads is fortune that reads “Get away from dead weight, his weight is going to weight you down” Mulligan shrugs and leaves the fortune on the table as he pays the short Asian man. INT-CAR-DAY Mulligan gets into the car and looks at King who is still laughing about the short Asian man. Mulligan Well that was a dead end King Is was not. I simply determined where the drugs are coming from Mulligan How? King I have my ways and now we have to go pay Dom a little visit Mulligan Oh god not Dom King Yes him, it will be quick and easy EXT-STREET CORNER-DAY DOMMICK GREEN @Green a 20’s white male stands on the street corner smoking a cigarette as he asks random people if they are “in need” no one takes him up of his offer. Then out of nowhere Mulligan appears which scares him so he turns to run but runs right into King. This knocks him to the ground. King stands over here looking down. King Pathetic King helps him up Dom What now? What are you going to arrest me on? Gay prostitution charges? Look… I know nothing. My ass still hurts from my last visit to the clink. So why not tell me now so I can prepare mentally King smiles evilly King I won’t arrest you if you tell me what I want to hear Dom Why don’t you tell me what you want to hear and I will say it word for word to avoid the jail part King If I would tell you word for word what to say what help is that for me. I need to know the truth and nothing but it. I need to know where you get the drugs, I need names I need that and much more. Oh and most importantly I need it now Mulligan Please, he forgot to say please King No I didn’t Dom looks around nervously as he lights a cigarette Dom Look man I can’t give you names and where I get shit King grabs Dom King Already starting off bad for you Dom No, no, no… wait a second man. Dom pauses as he looks up and down the street nervously as he lights another cigarette. King looks at him oddly King What’s with the smokes? Mulligan He always smokes two smokes when you are around King shrugs King Out with it scum Dom Look man… I seen things King What kind of things? Dom Interesting things King What kind of interesting things? Dom points at Mulligan then at King Dom Interesting things that you two might be interested in King thinks for a second King Interesting! You’re coming with us The episode fades to black Edited October 14, 2016 by KingRobbie JardyB10 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheLastOlympian07 2,389 Posted October 15, 2016 Share Posted October 15, 2016 looks great. I feel this is a good representation of King and Mulligan Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BluObieZ 1,125 Posted October 15, 2016 Author Share Posted October 15, 2016 9 hours ago, TheLastOlympian07 said: looks great. I feel this is a good representation of King and Mulligan It is actually Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Hickey 128 Posted October 23, 2016 Share Posted October 23, 2016 Review: I was so excited to read this and you didn't disappoint! I would watch this and thats a testament to your writing. Great job. Spelling and Grammar were good for the most part and it was a pretty good article in size too. Cant wait to read the next one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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