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Help with second player


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For 13 seasons the name Komarov has struck fear into opponents. I wont be bringing his family name with my second player. Idea was the Komarov name was said with loyalty. 


I will be bringing a Komarov, with my 3rd player. However with this guy, will be a new name and with it wont bring my normal style. So that is where you guys step in, i want help naming my player and what position. Goalie is out of the question, same with brusing defender. 


Position wise, will likely be best vote name who knows depends how i like the names. Till then expect Pavel to continue to grow like his father except with slightly more skill. My plan will be to work my ass off with the next Komarov, and hopefully with this guy i can get more articles in. 


Coming in S53 will be the next great fill in the blank. Get in your opinions today!

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