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Claimed:Shocking News from Podarok


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Podarok has never been one of the most vocal members of the league, but up until the end of S51 he was one of the more hard working ones. But lately he has been much less active and has shown up to practice less and less. Why is this? The media couldn't find out anything, the team was oddly quiet about it, and even the tabloids couldn't come up with and reasonable stories about it. Well, in his second press conference of the day, we found out why he has been so busy.


Podarok has never been a big partier, but when he does, well, he doesn't go halfway. One night early in S51 that he doesn't remember well, he he went to a party, downed about 15 beers, took 8 shots of Smirnoff, and even found a mixed drink someone left behind that he is ashamed of drinking. He smoked some weed, played some drinking games, and hooked up. The next day he rolled out of bed with a mild headache, a muddled sense of confusion, put his clothes on, and went about his day.


then comes the trade deadline and Podarok gets a call. Well, let's just say, Podarok is a father now.


the woman, Veronica Huelsing, who Podarok had hooked up with, was 4 months pregnant with their baby. Podarok rushed over and they talked, having a rather awkward conversation. After all, what do you say to the girl you forgot about impregnating 4 months ago? After a short discussion, both Veronica and Bogdan decided they should keep the child, and they decided to date as well.


well, Podarok and Huelsing weren't exactly compatible. Like, at all. They were both shy, and both loved hockey. That's about where the similarities ended. Podarok came from a poor Russian family with no mother, and grew up working non stop on hockey. Huelsing came from a rich family, both parents, and focused her life on academics. Bogdan loved to keep to himself, took up meditating, and rarely had long conversations with people. Veronica was an extrovert, played tons of video games, and could talk a person's ear off. The relationship was ok, both people wanted to make it work, but in the end, it was just not meant to be. The two argued a lot, and could rarely find something they both enjoyed, so the couple split. They stayed friends, but mostly because of the human being they had made together.


on May 12th, Veronica gave birth to a baby boy. Kazimir Bogdanovich Podarok. The boy was a big lad, 9 pounds 8 ounces. Veronica was given full custody of the child, provided that Bogdan had full visitation privileges. The two have remained good friends still after the birth, but most of the time they are together, they are interacting with their child. The birth of Kazimir has messed with Bogdan. He has lost a lot of sleep worrying about his babies' Jaundice, skipped practice and stayed up late to drive an hour to Olympia and see his kid. The whole situation has been hard on everyone, but Podarok is determined to be able to juggle the responsibilities of being a captain and a father.


this is also the second Fan 590 that I turned into a media Spot because I'm balling like that


for Podarok

Edited by ADwyer87
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