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Claimed: Reinholdt Top Draft Destinations


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While Brampton Blades forward Verner Reinholdt and his team were waiting for the second round of the VHLM playoffs to start, Verner had a chance to give some of his thoughts on his top draft destinations. One thing he wanted to make clear from the outset is that he's not the type of person to not play for a certain team. But he was very up front, if the team he was drafted too was a team that the Devise agency has played for already, it is very highly unlikely that Verner will sign past the three season mark. Here is a list of the teams that rank high on Verner's draft destination and some of his thoughts on each frnachise. 


:sto: Potential Fit: High, Reinholdt Interest: Very High; :sto: 


Verner would probably be a natural fit with the Stockholm Vikings. Even before you get into all the outside perspectives that make this a great landing spot, as a player Verner fits right in. While Stockholm is rocking 8 forwards this season, several are set to test free agency and recently top prospect Undertaker decided to call it quits. (And who can blame him, after losing to Lesnar in an embarrassing Wrestlemania match, the end of the streak should of signaled the end of this player.) On top of the Vikings likely looking for another younger forward to help finish off their core, Reinholdt finding his way to Stockholm would not only reunite the Pajodcast members on the same team, something that has never happened in the main league VHL. But it would also open up the possibility for Verner to play on a line with fellow Pajodcast agent players Xander Finn and Brock Dragonslayer. The Pajodcast Line? That would be a first for the three cohorts, and one has to think that is certainly a target for both parties. But you never know.



I would love to play for the Stockholm Vikings. I think they might be the future of the European conference. The GM at the helm is easily one of the best not just currently but I think all time. Plus that roster is a good enough mix of youth and star power, they have key positions locked up that I'd be able to slot in without having too much pressure. Where as I kind of think if I went to a club a bit earlier in rebuild there would be a lot more focus on me producing. I still think there is a great challenge with playing in Stockholm though and if the fates deem that is where I end up I'll be pretty thrilled honestly. Playing in my home country would be an added bonus too. 



:hel: Potential Fit: High, Reinholdt Interest: High :hel: 


Reinholdt would help bolster a forward group that appears like it may be ready to break out next season. While Helsinki currently operates with 7 forwards, a couple could be free agents and they have at least one inactive forward on the roster. Verner would give them a relatively active forward crop, and allow them to begin building a youth line for the future with some S52, S53, and a S54 pick. Given that the team already has the star power locked down in Black Velvet, who is also aging the only issue with a fit here is that Helsinki may be better served getting another elite forward to finish out their crop. Still if they continue to play more for the long haul Verner would likely fit into their plans. 



They talk a lot of trash, but I don't have no problems with that. I think they are a good growing young hockey team. I'd love to play in Helsinki, I have a lot of respect in that city and country as a hockey place. I've played my fair share of games there in other leagues, and I considered my time highly. It's another one of those teams if they call my name out in the draft, I'll be nothing but smiles. I think their future looks really good and I'd love to be apart of it. 


:tor: Potential Fit: Very High, Potential Interest; High :tor: 


Toronto is full in rebuild, but obviously in terms of fit a up and coming forward who continues to hound away at the practice hours would be a very good fit for a rebuilding club. A team in need of any players to help begin the building blocks for the future would love to have a player like Verner on their club. Likewise, Verner would be put into a situation where he'd have the shot at becoming a franchise player, and the face of a team if drafted to a place like Toronto. Given the new GM, the franchises legacy having been the only club to ever threepeat, there is a good chance Verner would fit nicely with the Toronto Legion. 



When I was younger I came to Canada and I hated it. Obviously my brother died while I was away, but at the time I was in Saskatoon. I've been in Brampton a while now, and I have come to really enjoy my time in Ontario. I've watched my fair share of both Maple Leaf and Legion games since coming to this province this past year. History is probably the biggest reason my interest is so high with this club. I don't know how I'd handle under the pressures of trying to be a more prominent offensive player, but I'd be open to trying to approach that challenge. 


:dav: Potential Fit: Very High, Potential Interest: High :dav: 


Another rebuilding club, and a club that just announced a new General Manager in the very reputable Smarch could also stand a good chance of landing Verner in the S54 draft. Like Toronto Verner would be the face of a franchise that is looking to start using those building blocks going forward. The one advantage that Davos has over Toronto in the rebuild department is that potential goalie of the future Mist4ke is already been drafted, and joined the team this past season. For a team looking to begin building at both forward and defense, there is little doubt that Verner would be a good addition to the club. 



Absolutely I'd love to play in Davos. I was a bit hesitant originally, I mean they are the Swiss after all ha. But I've had nothing but amazing conversations with the new GM Smarch, who has been my GM with the Blades my entire tenure here in the VHLM. If the rumors are true and coach Conner Low comes to Davos then I think people really need to watch out. For me that relationship is already there, there is no doubt in my mind I'd try my best to be a franchise cornerstone if you will, for the Dynamo if they drafted me. 


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