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  • Commissioner

With 17 posted are we getting back to doing this on a weekly basis? If so is my position as cover artist still available? Again, if so, what kind of timeframe for articles are we looking at? I ask mostly to know when I can expect content FOR the cover to be made.


I wanna see this back up and running, I just also wanna know what's going on.

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  • Commissioner

That still doesn't tell me a timeframe or if you need a cover this week. If so it'll only be Sunday and I'll need the article names. Tag lines I can come up with.

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  • Commissioner

Bus late getting me home so there's nothing much I can do about a cover this week. Best I can do is tomorrow morning.

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  • Commissioner

Wound up having to work this morning, this just isn't my week I guess.


I got permission from Victor t do a PT for last week so I'll do that. Sorry about the annoyance. This week should be better.

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