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Bog Starting to Shine?


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Last season as a rookie in the league, Bog was thrust into the scene. While he certainly held his own, there was much to be desired for the young defenseman. With One year under his belt, Bogdonavic has seemed to find his stride. He is only three points off from being in the top three for all defenseman in points, he's eighth in hits, and just outside the top ten for shots blocked. In a not so good stat he is currently fifth in the league in penalty minutes. 


"I like to hit people." joked Niko. "Maybe too hard sometimes. They catch some feelings and I end up in the box." He added. "But on a serious note, that's just always been me. Every knew that coming in. I've always liked to hit and sometimes it lands me in the box. It's still a work in progress. As is the rest of my game. I'm not settling in and getting a big head now that we're starting to see my name crack these top ten lists. The company I am with is certainly impressive, but I can never rest. I'd give up my personal accomplishments for success for Riga in a heartbeat." 

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