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Voter Suppression Tactics


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According to one source (a league member who will be unnamed for the sake of this article), the league has implemented a new rule, where the only people eligible to discuss a topic are those who have met an arbitrary activity goal over the past certain period of time. Where exactly the activity goal stands, both in terms of amount of activity and length of time, are to be set unilaterally by this member and are not to be questioned by any other member, up to and including those actually in charge of the league, who have heard of no such rule. As people who have studied the American Revolution know, there is no greater motivator than the removal of one's rights, so expect this new rule to be met with backlash from those whose opinions are now discounted. As one such member has stated, who wished to be interviewed under the auspices of anonymity, "I have an opinion and will be heard, if not by this particular member then by the league on the whole. I've created a movement against said member, called 'Give Me My TPE' wherein members who feel strongly about their voices not being heard are encouraged to let the fire rage inside them for several seasons, solely for the purpose of earning TPE and proving said member wrong. Proving people wrong is a great stress release, and has a habit of quieting those in question." #GiveMeMyTPE #GMMT



I'd just like to point out, my parents made a few offhand comments when I was in high school cross country that I couldn't do a marathon. I pushed through months of training 8 years later, solely built on rage from those comments, and have now done 7 of them and an ultra. 8. YEARS. LATER. I still remembered what they said and used it as fuel. Rage motivates me to no end, and I don't easily forget - you want to say I'm not getting to your cap, I'll get to your cap just to shove your tongue back in your mouth. Now give me my TPE for this post.


+1 :P

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