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Laflamme is off to Quebec.


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When teams win the championship its an amazing feeling. Unfortunately after all the hype and excitement the team has to think about its future. This typically means moving the older more expensive players for the younger players who are up and coming. For Xavier Laflamme, it was his time to move locations. On this date, April 9 of the year 2018, Laflamme was put onto a plane and sent from Seattle up to the wonderful city of Quebec. Quebec is currently starting a rebuild and looking for a veteran approach from Xavier for the younger guys to come. Although Xavier Laflamme is not a big name around the league, most people know him from his lack of sticking around activity wise. Clearly General Manager @Beaviss see's something in Laflamme that he wants on his team. That or Xavier was just an appropriate pick costing Quebec only a 3rd round pick. Guess we will never know. Will Laflamme be a bust? or will he show the VHL that Quebec just got a steal? only time will tell. 

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