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Claimed: Robert Malenko's Rookie Profile [1/2]


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Robert (Bobby) Malenko: The Offensive Defenseman

Robert Malenko playing for the Kelowna Rockets



Robert Malenko is an offensive defenseman that much like the team he played for in juniors - is an absolute Rocket.


6'2'', 210 lbs, born on June 5th 1999, born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Malenko played for the AJHL (Alberta Junior Hockey League) prior to his introduction into the WHL and later the VHLM with the Saskatoon Wild. He scored 210 pts in 220 games in the AJHL, and later 115 pts in 135 games in the WHL. He won the Gold in the World Juniors as a 17 year old.


Likens himself most to Erik Karlsson (Ottawa Senators) with offense, as well as Ivan Provorov (Philadelphia Flyers) in defensive standpoints, both players being from the competitive NHL. Shows a great deal of leadership as far as leading a team, given the C in the AJHL with the Sherwood Park Crusaders, and the A with the Kelowna Rockets of the WHL. Pours his heart out onto the ice with every shift, blocking shots when needed - and providing offensive coverage for the wingers when they miss their assignments. Robert Malenko is without a doubt one of the smartest players on the ice because of his keen perception, and eye for open slots to skate towards.



1. Speaks for the players in the locker room. Despite not being captain for the Kelowna Rockets, Malenko exhibits a great deal of camaraderie for his fellow teammates; providing a voice of reason on and off the ice. Not afraid to talk to people about issues that may arise in the locker room, and acts as the leader on the ice, providing his body whenever a shot is to be blocked - as well as passing from end to end for offensive breakouts. Does not believe in an individual being the only reason a team can be good.


2. Amazing offensive breakout. Malenko is second to none when it comes to an end to end rush, or a push towards the slot. Despite being in the backend of the game, Malenko puts points up effortlessly. His big body was a big attribute in the minors that allowed him to plow through the opposition, allowing him to score without trouble. As Malenko continues on through his career - his body is not as big of a factor as it was, but his adaptation still allows for him to flow through the opposing players without an issue. Very good at dodging hits when needed - but still not afraid to lay the body when needing to step up in the offensive zone as the opposition goes for the breakout.


3. Hockey IQ is extremely high. An intangible if you will. Has a good vision for plays that are forming on the ice - and adjusts accordingly, depending on the situation and play required. Knows when to step up, and when to stand back and hold ground to protect the net. Defensive prowess along the boards is quite powerful. Very strong in board play situations, especially passing the puck up the ice for breakouts and breakaways.



1. Hot headed. Does not like situations where his team are down. Will do anything in his power to bring the team back, but does not take losing too well. Wants to succeed in all circumstances.


2. Can take some bad infractions on occasion. His lust for winning can be exhibited by his power to do absolutely anything to get the puck. Offensive zone penalties are common with Malenko, but wises up after one bad penalty. Stepping up on someone just to take the air right out of him is common with Malenko - and those interference or roughing calls are fairly common with him.


3. Not too well with the poke check. Despite his ability to step up, and block shots. Malenko does not possess too well of an ability to properly poke check a puck out of an opposition player's speed. Sweeping the stick along the ice is just begging for a tip in for his own goalie - so Malenko tries his hardest to stay in front of the puck with his own body instead of the stick.


Image result for shea weber kelowna rockets

Robert Malenko with World Juniors Gold Medal (Team Canada)


Edited by pennypenny
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