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Everything Royal


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The Royal Wedding is tomorrow and...well, I could not give less of a shit. Seriously, they organised it on a Saturday so we don't even get the usual day off, the absolute penises! But hey, I'll just do a short article on everything VHL related that I can think of to fit with the Royal theme.


Team: Bern Royals

Of all the locations that could have been picked in Europe, they went with Switzerland, who doesn't even have a monarchy, the fuck happened here? 


Player Names: 

There are three players in the VHL's history that have had King in their name (Kyle Kingma, King Czar III, Lee King Snatch), two with "Queen" (Brennan McQueen, Queen Latifah) and one "Prince" (Prince Gigga-Bijou). Sir William Covington III is the only player in VHL history to potentially have been knighted by the Queen. 


Surprisingly enough, there has never been a player called Harry that has played in the VHL. There was a user called Meg though. 





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1 minute ago, Will said:


I think there has been, actually! 


Oh, I was talking about who'd played in the VHL proper, looks like he's only played VHLM, but good to know. Think there was another one called Harry F'n Hans or something or maybe that was just his username.

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