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Malenko's Road to the VHL (With a Little Stop Home..)

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Robert Malenko’s Road to the VHL

            Robert Malenko is currently a top defenseman of the Saskatoon Wild, the current best team in the VHLM with an incredible 15+ wins in a row, and a over 95+ goal differential.  Bursting into the league as one of the first generational players in a long while to perform with large amounts of experience, Malenko has earned the respect of many of the VHLM and VHL GMs. His work ethic and stability to continue improving has brushed onto the rest of his team too, as they continue to challenge for the Founder’s Cup. Prior to last game against the Ottawa Lynx – Malenko had already been on a four game point streak with his newfound time, and he continued to put assists and goals up in equal droves.


            Since arriving in Saskatoon, only a five hour drive from his hometown of Edmonton, Alberta – Malenko has continued to flourish as a player and as a young individual. Moving on from the Kelowna Rockets, Malenko has been brought into a place he feels more familiar with as a “’Burta” boy would feel. Driving trucks around, ripping around on quads, and going out for a rip with his buds are all things Malenko enjoys in his pastime, but he makes sure not to go overboard with these activities to protect his contract, career, and fulfill his obligations as a Wild member.


            Malenko has been bunking with a good friend of his (Jackie Devau) from Junior High back in Alberta, and Jackie himself has been saying that the relationship between the two has never been better.


            “The whole situation he’s in, it’s incredible. I’ve been out playing Junior A with him since we were young, and it’s crazy no doubt. He’s turning out to be one of the best in his league, and I just can’t wait to see my boy go number one in the upcoming draft, eh.”


            Jackie cooks for the young prospect mostly, going back to their Junior High days where foods and culinary arts was an expected class to be taken, Jackie takes care of the main course and handles all the prep – while Malenko being the rascal he was back in grade 8, he still just sticks to the dishes.


            “Yeah, no it’s crazy, I am absolutely humbled to be part of this situation, to be in a spot where I may be one of the best picks in the upcoming draft. There’s no doubt in my head that I will be one of the best players to come from the draft, but as it stands, I am still just Bobby from the Wild.” Malenko says concerning his draft ranking.

Image result for shea weber hit

           (Malenko clapping bombs)


              With the draft in near sight, and his food in order, Robert Malenko is looking to serve up more than dirty dishes that haven’t been completely cleaned in his upcoming playoff run. He sees dirty dangles, and clean ice with nothing but goals and assists to show for it. There’s no doubt that Malenko will become one of the best defenseman to show into the sport today, but for right now – he still is the same old Malenko to all his friends and family.

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