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Logan Laich Ready for Playoffs


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After being traded from the Minot Gladiators to the Bratislava Watchmen, new VHL prospect Logan Laich is getting geared up for the VHLM playoffs. The Watchmen are an elite team loaded with talent and Laich has been complimenting their roster well. His hard nosed approach to the game appears to be gelling with the rest of his teammates and has been increasing Laichs drafting stock. When asked about the playoffs and the upcoming VHL draft after a recent victory, Logan had the following to say.


"I'm super happy to be here. You know I did a bunch of touring around Europe and I gotta tell you being here in Slovakia is a great feeling. It is really an underrated hockey country and we have some great fans. I have faith that our talented group of boys here can bring a Founders Cup to the faithful fans. As far as the draft goes I'll just be happy to go anywhere. It doesn't matter. I want to play in the VHL next season, and if possibly I'd love to spend my career with the team that drafts me. I'm in the VHL for the long haul. If it I get drafted early so be it, but I'll be fine going later. Just getting an opportunity to play in a league with the type of fans and the atmosphere as the VHL is a honor for me. I can't wait to see where I end up." 


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