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Jake Davis - Sig v1.1 [1/2]


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  • 3 weeks later...

A Gimp user..nice!

I like how you've aced the constellation type patterns with way points all along the periphery, its a nice touch.

Your player is centered decent and is the focal point of the whole SIG. Good job.

Player hues are nice with good contrast and he is in focus.

Everything in the SIG is in relation to each other with nothing out of context, minus the geo patterns for aesthetics.

Two styles of fonts are decent and the nice bright white hue of them stand out well against the blurred darker back ground.

The fade effect is done well,as you can still see what's behind him and it helps put the player center stage.

Light source needs a bit of reflection onto and around the player if that's what you were aiming for.

Could be my phone brightness bit it appears the SIG as a whole is a little on the darker side.Could stand to crank up the brightness a touch.

Pretty good start up man!


Edited by Exlaxchronicles
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