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Shoot for the moon


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Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars! At least, that's what the corny ass poster that every elementary school teacher had up in their classroom said. The idea being that your goal should be to reach the moon. Personally, I think that's bullshit. We've already been to the moon, at least, depending on who you believe. Other solar systems though? Man hasn't come close. We can barely see into other systems. If you're telling me to want to be the best I can be, and reach as far as I can, why settle for the moon. I don't know about you, but I'd way rather explore a new solar system than the fucking moon. It's made of cheese, everyone knows that!


Really, I'm rambling like an idiot, but this is all a preamble for the league's All-Star Game. I think this is the 4th? Maybe 5th? @Beaviss has been running it for a while now though, and it's really cool of him to do it.


Basically, children, shoot for the fucking stars. Well, maybe the vicinity of stars, because if you go directly into a star, not so great things will happen.

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Yeah GM’s should prob do there votes so I can open public voting so I can run it this weekend (my last free weekend of the summer)

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