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Rookie Profile: Lavallee [5 TPE Approved - Incomplete]


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Lavallee is a textbook role player. He isn’t a flashy skater or nifty stick-handler; instead he focuses on aspects of the game like physical play and grinding it out in the corners. He has good size and strength, as well as an athletic background. the gritty center provides his trademark physical play as a strong defensive presence, killing penalties as well as spending time in the box for game changing fights. He is well respected by his team mates and peers for his abilities that don’t always show up on the stat sheet. Lavallee possesses a good work ethic and attitude, and is the type of player who can lead by example.



Aggressiveness - Physicality will make opposing defensemen keep an eye out for the maniac on the ice. Wingers will have to think twice before running into that corner. It's like touching a hot stove. You know it's going to hurt but is it worth it? Lavallee does that every time he's out there. His teammates also have to feel a little safer with him out there. He has strength contained in his stick and gets a lot on his shots and passes, while also having the confidence to put pucks through traffic in an attempt to find a teammate. Using his long reach, he can quickly move the puck several feet to create a new lane, and it makes it difficult for those tasked with covering him to prevent him from making a play. A secure puck-handler, using his body size, strength and aggressiveness to keep the puck away from defenders.

Defensive Awareness - A defensive forward, Lavallee specializes on the penalty kill and is efficient with his face off attempts,  he has great vision, hockey sense and ability to adapt quickly to any situation.

Leadership - Presence on the ice brings out the best in those around him, a complimentary player with great hockey sense he plays off others abilities,  provides protection and always enforces the code.



Skating - Compared to other prospects on the radar his feet aren’t nearly as speedy. He has an upright stance while skating, and with his 6’2 frame, that doesn’t give him much maneuverability. 


Discipline - Relies on his size and toughness to provide his team with an intimidating presence. Fights often.

Offensive Awareness - Not expected to produce significant numbers offensively




Edited by VV2O4
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