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Jorgon Weyed - Keep Your Chin Up Kid [2/2]


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Jorgon Weyed wasn't always sure he was going to be a hockey player. Growing up the son of former CFL DE Michael Weyed, he had an early push toward football. 


It wasn't until his mother won tickets to a NHL game in the nation's capital at age 7, that he realized he needed to be on the ice. The crushing blows, the speed and the all encompassing atmosphere inside the arena, pulled him into this realization.


When he got home that night, he told his father of his new passion. His father being a little disappointed Jorgon didn't want to follow in his footsteps, understood the feeling having gone through it himself as a kid.


Michael told Jorgon that if he was willing to put his all into hockey, then he would do everything in his power to help him be the best he could be.

That day they took Jorgon to the local Canadian Tire for skates, knowing this would be his first time on skates. Jorgon picked it quite quickly, his father seeing this said they should also enroll him in figure skating and power skating lessons to help get a leg up on the kids who had been skating since they were 3.


Jorgon spent the next few years learning the fundementals, before a people we're starting to notice his skills. 


Seeing him grow and learn the defensive side of the game quiet well. He quickly moved up the ranks into a travel league. After 2 more years he was living in a new city, looking ahead to the Jr. Draft.


Drafted in the 2nd round by Mississauga, Jorgon was looking forward to playing some meaningful hockey. This didn't happen the way he expected though. In his first preseason game Jorgon dove head first to block a puck and sustained a concussion knocking him out of his first season.


Spending a whole season focusing on getting back to normal. Jorgon did what little he could to stay on track physically and mentally while away from the ice. His best friend Matt Auston was an integeral part on keeping his spirits up and focused on his comeback.


The next season though, Jorgon exploded on the scene scoring 13 goals in his first 10 games before slowing down and getting back to his defensive game. His penchant for fighting, however left a sour taste in the mouth of his coach and was advised he needed to spend more time on the ice if he wanted to keep playing on the first line. This didn't change though and he spent most of the year on the third line. Putting up 35 points in the process and showing great position and dedication to keeping the puck out of his net.


His second year wasn't much better in terms of penalties. He was able to put up 44 points that season while missing one game while attending his best friends funeral. After losing his friend, his penalty minutes rose steadily, as it looked like he wanted to fight anyone who got in his way. His temper and aggressiveness starting to be boon to his game and his coach started benching him during games for being too much of a liability.


He spent most of the off-season at his families cottage in the Muskokas. It wasn't until the end of June that he got the wake up call that he needed. While sitting on the dock, spiriling steadily downward he heard a large explosion on the water. Looking up to see a boat start to go up in flames. He quickly jumped into his boat and sped off to help. When he got to the boat it was completely engulfed and the occupant was floating facedown in the water. He quickly dove into the water and grabbed the man. He hauled him into his boat before starting to to preform CPR. The man started sputtering after a couple minutes. Jorgon pulled the man to him and just held him until another boat pulled up beside them to offer assistance. This experience he said, brought him great relief in being able to help someone who needed it dearly.


This experience changed him for the better as he opened his eyes again to see the greatness the world can provide.


He came back refreshed in his third season, hoping to make an immediate impact on the first line. His dedication to positioning and getting to pucks first saw him raise his point total to 52 in his third season. Penalties we're still an issue, but he was the hardest worker on the team everytime he hit the ice. 


Being passed over in the National Draft was a heartbreaker, but he told himself it was more like a blessing in disguise. He would work his way up from the Minor ranks and do everything he could to make it to the top.


Being drafted by the Las Vegas Aces was the first step and staying out of the box was step number one. He has been seeing a therapist for his unresolved issues with his friends passing and taking some time for himself to just unwind and forget about the world.


He has started the season slow with Las Vegas, after being signed part way into the season. He has explained to ownership that he wants to move away from the penalties and the fighting whenever possible, though still willing to drop the gloves when needed. Every day he is one of the first on the ice and last off during practice and has changed his eating habits to focus on speed and agility. Strength will always be a focus for him but having that extra speed would compliment his game play enormously. 


Jorgon feels once he gets his skill level up he will be a great addition to the team and looks forward to getting out into the community and giving back. His main focus is becoming a defensive star for his new team and an even greater star for the game itself.


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Word count barely goes over 1k, and some lack of pictures.


Written enough to describe the player but it seems kind of scattered.


Room for improvement though, hope to see more from you in the future.

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I think this wasn’t descriptive enough and definitely just a lot more room for improvement. As you progress as a writer on this website, your writing skills will improve drastically. I still really enjoyed your bio and I hope to see you write more. :)

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  • DollarAndADream changed the title to Jorgon Weyed - Keep Your Chin Up Kid [2/2]

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