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Interview with Las Vegas Aces jacobaa19 [1/2]

Jose Gonzalez

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The Las Vegas Aces have been consistently decent throughout the season so far. They are currently in 2nd place 5 points behind Halifax. They have been led by goaltender Alexander Pepper who currently has a 22-9 record and a .888 save percentage. They currently had have the bumber 2 offensive rookie in the VHL in Jose Gonzalez. We have also seen Julian Borwinn play extremely well putting up 22 goals in 34 games. Vegas' best shooter this season so far has been Cayden saint with a 20 SHT%. Some honorable mentions on the Las Vegas Aces are, Borwinn who is the teams points and goal leader, Jose Gonzalez who is currently the best rookie forward in the VHLM, and Sidney Crosby who leads the teams in hits.


The current leaders, the Halifax 21st, are being led by goaltender Cole Mertz and Tyler Smith. Their 3rd overall pick Tyuzu has put up 42 points is 34 points. Shawn Glade has also been extremely productive for the Halifax 21st, scoring 45 points in 36. The best shooter on the team has been Ryuu Crimson who has a 22.99 SHT%. Some honorable mentions for the Halifax 21st are Ryuu Crimson, their current goal leader, Karl von Moltke who is the teams point leader, and King Gow who has the most hits on the team.


We interviewed jacobaa19 to see what he has been thinking so far this year.


MEDIA: "With how the season has gone so far, are you happy with it so far?"


JACOBAA19: "I think we could do a lot better but yea so far I’m happy."


MEDIA: "Is there anything in particular that the coaches are coaching during this season?"


JACOBAA19: "I've advised them to work with pepper a lot same with working on their shooting."

Las Vegas has been some of the strongest shooters in the league this year out scoring their opponents by 33 goals.


MEDIA: Have you been happy with this year's dispersal draft players?


JACOBAA19: Oh yea borwinn and pepper are stars the rest are doing good but those are the main 2 then we have our stellar free agent pickups.

Borwinn has scored 48 points in just 36 games putting him on top of the rest of the team. Pepper, who has been in net for Vegas for the entire season has a 23-13 record and a .889 save percentage.


MEDIA: Are there any players in particular that are overachieving this year?


JACOBAA19: I don’t think so no.


MEDIA: Have any of the new players brought anything interesting to the locker room or have good leadership?


JACOBAA19: Well I think borwinn and Scott are great in the lr I think it’s gonna suck to watch them leave at the draft.


MEDIA: Did you ever expect Pepper to perform this highly, or were you expecting him to play not so well?


JACOBAA19: Well with such a late pick I didn’t really know what I was getting with him but I can say for sure I’m more then happy with his performance 


MEDIA: Are there any players who you are hoping decide to stay in the VHLM just one more year?


JACOBAA19: Pepper 100% but other then that maybe Borwinn because the rest I’ll have I think for sure if not I’m screwed.

Pepper and Borwinn are both new players, only being drafted last year, but are showing their worth leading the team.


MEDIA: Are you excited to see your previous players win cups in the VHL or do you have a favorite VHL team?


JACOBAA19: I’m a big bears fan it sucks for me cause they are kinda rebuilders but I can’t wait to see them come back hard.


MEDIA: Do you as a general manager look for something in particular when you are looking for someone to draft?


JACOBAA19: I look for either how active a player is or if they just have so much skill I can’t pass up on them I never go by position as you can see we struggled to find a first line center then we got Scott.

You heard it here, if you want to be drafted high they look for active players more then players that are good now. Even more so with the rebuilders.


MEDIA: Thanks for talking to us tonight.


JACOBAA19: Thanks for having me.


Word count 681-178 from interview = 503

Edited by Jose Gonzalez
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Ooh, the interviewer has been interviewed. This was a very good interview and this time I don't mind the lack of humour. Doesn't seem right in this situation. Also you asked really good questions and they felt like questions that would actually be asked in an actual press conference.

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  • DollarAndADream changed the title to Interview with Las Vegas Aces jacobaa19 [1/2]
17 hours ago, Jose Gonzalez said:

@Quik just finally corrected it for you... will i get the points for last week though

is everything next to Jacobaa still in is his own words (I'm guessing the stuff with no name next to them is your own additions) If so, that means by my word doc count, he wrote 215 words and the piece in total is 681, which would make your contribution 466 words, so you just need to add 34 words more and the TPE's yours for last week.

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1 hour ago, Tagger said:

is everything next to Jacobaa still in is his own words (I'm guessing the stuff with no name next to them is your own additions) If so, that means by my word doc count, he wrote 215 words and the piece in total is 681, which would make your contribution 466 words, so you just need to add 34 words more and the TPE's yours for last week.

Am I good now... I am never doing an interview again

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