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Tis the Season


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For those worried about my activity, i can put your minds at rest. Typically my company sees a huge spike around this time, due to everyone and their light fixtures. This has led to me missing the last few weeks of updates which is out of sorts for me. But it does happen almost every year. People blowing fuses, to asking us to come make sure their houses are still up to code, and wont overload the grids.


In about 2 weeks we shut down for the holidays, minus my emergancy guy who doesnt celebrate christmas. After that i will be back to normal again. Just knowing the draft is around i wanted to put some minds to rest about my activity. I still intend to make this my last player. 


Evegeni seems to be doing just fine as the 21st are up 3-1 in the semi finals. Hoping for a cup! Hope everyone enjoys their holidays. Look forward to a full return in a few weeks

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