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Why Moscow may keep me here.


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When i joined many seasons ago with Vladimir Komarov there was a Russian team. The ugly Moscow Red Wolves, however as a real life Russian, i had hoped to land there. I did not as i was drafted to Oslo Storm, by the time my second player was to come Moscow was removed from the league. I had played with the idea of trying to move Davos, which was obviously met with a fairly quick shut down to somewhere in Russia was even potentially going to go as far as paying for a logo. Its obviously never happened. Then my time with Saskatoon i played with the idea of moving them as well, but sadly at the time funds were tight.


Now recently announced the Moscow Menace, not exactly a name id have picked but id imagine as an American looking at Russia we are seen as menaces. Its admittingly brought a new life to myself. Im excited, at the chance to play for them, and hopefully lead them to glory. Its kind of a bitter sweet moment though for me. 


The Seattle Bears took a huge swing despite myself being vocal about playing for rebuilders. I stood tall on what i wanted to do even skipping 3 weeks of updates as to not go over the 200TPE junior cap. Now they stand to lose me for nothing, in the upcoming expansion draft. He took a chance on a very loyal member that sadly did not pay off. This was not anything against him or the Bears.


As for my progress, Evgeni still plans on staying the course. He has been a terror leading the VHLM in PIMs, and Hits by a wide margin. My shots blocked are not as high as I'd like but that is thanks to playing for a strong team that doesn't lose many game. The offensive side of my game has been suprising to say the least but even Vlad had a decent offensive game despite not putting in any work for offense. My easiest disappointment to this point has to be plus minus for being one of the top rated defensive defensemen in the entire league and on a good team he's managed to be a minus player. If selected by Moscow you can guarantee that they will not be a team to push around as long as he is on the ice. 


He's fought 5 times in his career so far, however has yet to win one sadly, his record is 5 draws. He hopes to change that statistic, going into the VHL as they have a few tough guys. The mini man is not afraid, to throw down despite his small stature. He likely hasn't fought as much in juniors due to players fearing him. 


The idea of playing for Moscow has renewed my interest in the league in which i had lost interest. With potential hopes to one day GM the team or take them to the cup. Its been my dream since i joined this league and hope i can make it a reality before i have to step away. 


Claiming my doubles week for this. 

Edited by Gooningitup
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Glad to hear it tbh regardless of if you end up here this off-season - up to Seattle of course how they play the expansion draft. I've gotten a very good response to a team in Moscow which I was pretty confident in but still feel vindicated in pushing for both that location and to keep the VHL's European presence.


For what it's worth, I'm a native Russian speaker, albeit from Latvia, therefore see both sides of any pro- or anti-Russian narrative. The Menace name embraces the unavoidable reputation and turns it into something which works very well IMO for a sports franchise, as well sounding cool, and as you alluded to playing up to an American audience.

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