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Dissecting The Reapers


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In an unprecedented series of events the Philadelphia Reaper's team is now almost unrecognizable from what they were just a few days ago. In an effort to get ahead next year Philadelphia GM BladeMaiden has taken an early start to trading this year. With now 10 members of their original roster traded, and possibly more trades to come Philadelphia's hopes of finishing in a playoff spot this year have been sealed. On all accounts BladeMaiden has chosen to do this with her teams best interest in mind, as the players traded will now have the chance to make a run on a more competitive team. Now with the Reapers having a plethora of picks in the coming draft and beyond, they are likely to be contenders next year. This is good news not only for the organization but also for any potential returning players next season. BladeMaiden has all but secured a competitive spot for her team after the draft. To her credit the trades have been very well received. A few players have made official statements regarding the trades, John FrostBeard for one had this to say, "I have to say that my time spent in Philadelphia was truly amazing, everyone was great and I will not stop loving all of the guys there. I hope, joining Yukon, will give my new team a boost and allow us to fight for that Cup! Good luck my lovely Reapers and le'ts rock it Yukon!".


As for the players remaining on this team, the situation actually presents opportunities for them to play larger roles than they normally would. It will be a valuable experience for them to be competing on top lines, against other teams elite prospects. With all of this being said Philadelphia will definitely be a team to watch out for next season. 

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