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Today I'll be going into the Halifax 21th locker room asking them some juicy questions that only players would know about other players. For today's posting we’ll look at new rookie and up and comer Acyd Burn.

What are your expectations for Yourself with the amount of points u will get? And what about other players around you?

I think my expectations are moderate, I believe i'm a third line winger (lines aren't set) so I'll be more of a depth player. Hoping to score about 20 goals and 30 assists in my first season. I believe it's obtainable. I believe i'll motivate the other players around me and hopefully help them hit their point goals as well. I'm as much of a passer as I am a scorer ;).

Can u give me the inside scoop on the locker room? Like who is the weirdest, the nicest and the meanest.

The locker room was intimidating at first. Everyone is nice overall, I think if I had to say the weirdest would probably be me. I’m not the quietest person in the room and have my pre-game rituals. Nicest is hard because everyone in the locker room has been nice to me. That isn’t necessarily the case with other teams. Meanest is Gaudette, pranks all the other wingers by filling their water bottles with hot sauce, putting ink blots on their chin straps, filling their sticks with water, Stuff like that. 

Now u mentioned Pre Game Rituals, what type of Rituals are those?

Haha they’re a bit embarrassing but for instance I have to be the last player off the ice for warm ups. There was one time the opposing team wouldn’t leave the ice and we ended up playing rock paper scissors to see who left first. I am now a little fish in a bigger pond so there may be some controversy over that one. Another is that I always have to have 3 sticks, all taped the same way and I sign each one. I have a lucky pair of socks that I always wear, sometimes under the teams colors (Makes my skate size go up a little bit).

What are your main Focuses this season?

My main focuses this season are both on and off the ice. Off the ice I would like to contribute to the city of Halifax by volunteering, running clinics, and just being a big part of the city while i'm here. On the ice I’m hoping to work more on my overall team play and discipline. I have a tendency to get a lot of tripping and slashing calls. I believe that stems from my lack of experience on the back check and defensive play. My passing and team play has come a long way from when I first started playing. I also want to get better along the boards and get into the gritty areas. I think the team would benefit from more puck possession.  

I would like to thank Acyd Burn for taking the time for this interview and his cander. Until next week where we’ll be talking to another player from this very locker room. Till next time.

Edited by Gaudette
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Review: Great content guys! I like how the question asked and answers given really helped give a good feeling of an insider scoop of what the locker room and overall experience is like. One small critique I have would be to better space out where the questions and answers are, perhaps the use of bold or italics could help delineate this better. Great work!

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