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Trouble in Riga's Locker Room


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Trouble Brewing in Riga's Locker Room?



Mike Szatkowski


It seems that Reign GM Mike Szatkowski has been abusing his power in Riga's locker room according to one anonymous source.


"He's been making some comments that I believe are crossing the line.  While I don't want to divulge you any further, they may border on sexual harassment." - Anonymous source.  


Speculation has started that Szatkowski has been making inappropriate comments towards rookies Phil Villaneuve and Slaeter Fjorsstrom as some sort of rookie initiation.  When we tried to contact both Villaneuve and Fjorsstrom, neither would give us a comment or a confirmation.  


However, when Szatkowski was reached, he gave us a statement.


"You guys really need to step off and stop bothering me.  I bet whoever gave you that libel statement is some bitter New York douchebag like Christopher Miller or Conner Blow.  In fact, if you don't stop bothering me, I'm going to sue you all." 


As it stands, no one in the Riga locker room besides the GM has mentioned whether the story is true or not.  Most have just laughed it off.  We will be following this story closely.

Edited by sherifflobo
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