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(S68) C - Tomas Hasek, TPE: 30


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Welcome @SJT29


You've joined at a very interesting time and the draft has actually just concluded. I am the AGM of the San Diego Marlins and we had 0 picks in this draft, meaning...we have a lot of room to fill and we'd like you to join us. We're going to be needing every person we possibly can, and we're offering max minutes to play on San Diego. We'll guarantee that if we can get enough people to join the team, we'll compete, in the meantime, you can pad your stats, showcase your talents and join what will hopefully be an active locker-room.


Quote this and say "I accept" if you want to join San Diego! 

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Welcome to the league @SJT29, as the GM of the Ottawa Lynx i'd like to offer you minutes on the third line We would love to have you in Ottawa! We finished last season as the runners up in the championship finals. If you agree and want to play for Ottawa, you just have to quote this offer and say "Accept". I wish you good luck in your VHLM Career! 

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@SJT29 hey there! Halifax GM here. We need centers really badly and you are a center, so you should come play for us. I can offer top 9 minutes, and you could easily move to the first line if you are active enough. We have a super competitive roster, looking to win it all this season, but all we really need is a centerman. We could really use you. To accept, quote the post and say "accepted". Thank you for your time.

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3 minutes ago, SJT29 said:

Player Information

Username: SJT29

Player Name: Tomas Hasek

Recruited From: Reddit

Age: 19

Position: C

Height: 74 in.

Weight: 220 lbs.

Birthplace: Czechia


Player Page



My AGM (MexicanCow) already made his offer but just allow me to say Dominic Hasek was my favorite PLAYER (not just goalie) but PLAYER of his generation, so right off the bat your name stuck out to me. Hopefully you'll come join us in San Diego! 

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51 minutes ago, MexicanCow123 said:

Welcome @SJT29


You've joined at a very interesting time and the draft has actually just concluded. I am the AGM of the San Diego Marlins and we had 0 picks in this draft, meaning...we have a lot of room to fill and we'd like you to join us. We're going to be needing every person we possibly can, and we're offering max minutes to play on San Diego. We'll guarantee that if we can get enough people to join the team, we'll compete, in the meantime, you can pad your stats, showcase your talents and join what will hopefully be an active locker-room.


Quote this and say "I accept" if you want to join San Diego! 

I accept.

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