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Block Buster is a 23 year old rookie new to the VHLM from west Sydney – Australia. His strength and determination allowed him to be signed into the Mississauga Hounds where he hopes to continue to show his dominance on the ice.


1.       Aggression and Determination

Block is not scared of putting his body on the line for his team. He shows aggression towards the puck when blocking a shot and this allows him to put force behind his defensive movements. He shows great strength and likes to prove people wrong, Block is determined not to let the puck inside his net, this determination will show useful when against some of the top teams in the league.

2.       Hand speed and reaction time

In the past Block Buster has shown great hand speed and reaction time in crucial moments in a game. Block was his home towns soccer goalie – given the bigger net and more room for mistakes his speed and reaction time improved. For fun Block likes to get his childhood friend to practice with him by hitting squash balls at him while he tries to defend the net.

3.       Leadership

Even within the goals Block has the ability to show leadership with guidance for players. Assisting in plays where he sees fit and directing players around the ice given his vantage point at times. Block excelled at hockey growing up, often the best in his side – other players would look up at him because of this and Block was expected to guide and show others how to play.




1.       Slender build

Often hockey players weigh a lot more than Block. His slender build leaves a lot more room open in the net. This could prove detrimental to his team particularly if the are shoots taken from the side. Block tried to counter this with his hand speed and aggression but this alone, may not be enough.

2.       Cocky

Block started off a good player and continued to be one of the best through his career, he often takes control of the puck and leaves his team wondering why he is outside of his net. Cockiness can lead to frustration within the team, disastrous plays and often a goal scored against them. Block can be seen often trying to pass the puck instead of freezing it – he thinks he can get it through the other team to his players. This leads to turnovers and potential goals scored against him.  

3.       Sloppy Skater

As mentioned Block was one of the best within his competition and during is career as a goalie. His skating on the ice, behind the net and quickly back to the bench can be sloppy, out of control and over balanced. When the puck goes behind the net Block will try to get around to stop it however is not quik, smooth or agile enough to get back around the front if the other side quickly intercept the puck.

This aligns with his cockiness can sometimes leaves him miss-positioned and easy goals scored against him.


In conclusion after speaking with Block he will try his best and continue to improve in all aspect of the game both on and off the ice.



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Needs a picture to be compliant with the style guide. I'd reccomend adding a quik section detailing his vitals too, name, weight, height, city of birth, etc. Word count is good.


Really appreciate that you've taken the pros and cons sections beyond basic tpe stats, and their contents check out just fine.


On 7/9/2019 at 12:49 AM, Banana2311 said:

In conclusion after speaking with Block he will try his best and continue to improve in all aspect of the game both on and off the ice.


This is a bit weak, but at least there is a conclusion. Try to summarize the player a bit and sell us on why he'll succeed.


Add a picture in there and you'll have my sign-off on this one. Well-written!

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