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I'm mad

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I just got to my second home in Riga and was about to write easy articles and then send lines. For some reason Devise has decided to do games earlier than I was anticipated. This was not what I wanted, but that wasn't even the worst part. The results proved to be the another level of how fucked this shit engine is. I don't even want to look at that game again, but 22-48 or something shot total? Fuck off, ok? And then the ''pinnacle'' of that - a loss to FUCKING NEW YORK! Really? Even with a backup goalie? Dumb ass shit.


And yeah, some of you gonna tell that Helsinki is struggling even worse against Seattle. Well, they're still can be safe about their playoff spot (at least at this moment). What about us though? We're about to lose a third spot to Davos if this shitshow continues. And Vancouver isn't that far anymore. Like, all of these trades and doing all these lines almost every day is resulting in this? Get your fucking shit together sths. I get it, our peak will likely be in next season when Dahlberg and Svoboda might hit 900+ TPE and HHH 800 plus. And the depth could be somewhere at 500 something TPE. But I definitely expecting more this season. Even at the 21 game mark although we still have 51 games left.


You know what's even worse? I can't really blame Kallis on that. He isn't performing lights out, but he rarely sucks either. He's more being a constantly a .910 - .930 performer which is fine. That is enough to not letting a lot of goals. But what is going on with offense? I don't believe that this forward lineup is the second worst offense in the league. And yes, 56 goals for is the second worst, only ahead of Seattle. So GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER STHS.


Sometimes I'm wondering if it would've been easier for me to not have a flashy, but a decent enough roster to fuck around against some more top heavy teams. The S54 was one of examples when our team was making fun of eventual champs in Helsinki. That thing is fun, but likely won't lead me to a win anyways. This could be fun for like 1-2 seasons and then I would be searching for options to compete for real anyways. By the way, I'm also wondering how many chances I have to break the NY record of consecutive playoff appearances. The number is 11. We're now at 5 and I really hope we could make it 6. Otherwise there could be another series of me blowing up with trying to improve my cursing lexicon.


I'm not sure what else I can type about. Today's sim really fucked up my mood and I'll have to settle with one 500 word article. This probably has to do with summer time as well, but the sim is the part of problem. I do really hope we can turn it around before I could be suspended for my constant whining about this thing.


That's it and I'm out.


6 TPE goes to Kallis

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