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Creating Chemistry : Yukon Rush


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Last time we talked about Yukon, they were a ball of fire bursting out of the gates at the start of this season, but as we see, teams do come back down to earth. Yukon is showing a streaky season so far, starting the season with a win streak followed by quickly falling back down to just above .500. Now, you might ask, what does this make Yukon? Streaky teams have a tendency to catch a losing streak at the worst times, but that still leaves the Yukon team up for debate, as they have shown multiple splits in the past couple of weeks including a 1-0 loss to the Marlins, but topping the best team in the league so far, the Minnesota Storm. Yukon's core is showing that they can hang with the best, but they are still building the chemistry to perform at the same level as the top contender on a more consistent basis. There is still a season ahead for the young Rush, and the leadership of the team is starting to come out and lead.


Of course, were talking about Flowers and Draven.


Flowers is an outstanding and unselfish player, leading the way with 20 assists and recently knotting his first goal of the season. He's always getting his teammates involved, even when he has the chance to score. As a top defender for the Rush, You can't talk about Yukon without talking about the awareness and overall skill of Flowers, who also takes it upon himself to make sure the team is doing their best day in, day out. 


Speaking of day in, day out hard work; Erik Draven. Draven is the definition of forecheck and hard nose hockey. Draven does not give a lick about his own well being as long as he does his job, and his team is happy with his work, which they all are. Draven is a leader by action, and his hard work on the forecheck and in the corners shows. His teammate, Willie Dredge commented, "Draven is an outstanding guy, not only is he always looking out for us on the ice, but off the ice too. He has so much respect from the team, I don't think any of the guys will ever play with someone like him, he's one of a kind." 


Dredge's words spoke highly of Draven's work ethic, and the work ethic shows, as Draven is a core player in the Rush team. Production has been high so far for Draven and Flowers, so were looking forward to seeing them lead this team, and continue to gel together. I think Yukon has so much more to give this season, so you better watch out.

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@sjs88speed oh wow thanks man. That’s your best article yet. That was amazing. I know Flowers and Draven would be more than willing to be your captains! Draven is definitely a selfless player. It’s all about the team and he’s very vocal in the locker room. Even with his edgy-playing style he’s always smiling and making it fun for everyone. I’m glad I’m on the 2nd line with you and Sami we’re finding good chemistry. Thanks man. 5 ⭐️ On this piece. 

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