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Trouble in the GFX Section?


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We all come here for some fun. We all come here to have a little escape from the reality. What reality you might ask? Well, for some, the reality might be you have a wife and a kid or some kids, you work a good job or a bad job. Have a good credit score or a bad credit score. Whatever life might throw your way or whatever life you might be on. 

The other reality is, that none of us will become professional athletes. So we come here trying to play out a dream we all once had, and that is to become a pro hockey player.


For me, this site is a pass time. I enjoy having this little hobby on the side and it keeps me entertained. I do some GFX because I used to like doing them, I am alright at making sigs and decided to join the GFX tourney. Now, it seems as though there is some controversy. Some people think that a user made a troll sig and he actually got some serious votes, and actually did better than some other users. Now, GFX are subjective and what I might like might not  be the same exact thing that you will like. 


It seems as though everyone is on edge for this tourney and I am personally going to like the way it is going to play out. Now, everyone will most likely be careful when they judge and will make sure what they are grading peoples signatures. They wont want to get ripped at or complained about when it comes to who graded what.


Grab your popcorn and enjoy the show everyone.

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