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Las Vegas Draft Recap


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So, with the new season approaching, I've decided to review my draft. It was a pretty good one to say the least. I also was ranked #1 in the ECN VHLM GM rankings, to everyones (including my own) shock. That being said, it wasn't without reason. Looking strictly at this offseason, I made good work of what I had.


With picks 3 and 4, I got two centers that will be a killer duo in George Washington and Benny Graves. These were two really good pickups that I definitely will not regret, especially with the way things started to roll my way after this. At 7, I got Cinnamon Block, who was someone I considered getting with the 4th pick. I decided not too, and it was the right choice. I got Cinnamon Blockat 7 to start filling out a defense that looks like an insane unit.


At 14 and 15, I picked up another pair of guys that dropped, David Wallace and Blacker Velvet. Velvet I was shocked with the drop, as I pondered whether I wanted him at 7 over Block. I went for Block, but I got them both anyways. David Wallace was on the team last year and I re-acquired him this year to assist George Washington on the wing.


Bruce Grimaldi is my biggest risk. Many people think he will be playing up in the VHL this year for Prague, while others say he isn't. Either way, I'll make this pick everytime. If he stays, I get a great goalie. If he leaves, who cares? I have S70 picks I can just trade away, and also waiver signings. This is a risk I will always take. 


Defenseman Tony Bolonee and Mike Van Stronk also dropped to round four to complete a top four defense unit that is absolutely insane. Of course, I originally picked Larsson Erik Ganoon. I thought that he dropped in the draft because some people didn't really like him, but I did not realize he retired. Luckily I got to re-do the pick.


So all in all it was an amazing draft to say the least. Hopefully we can win a cup this year.



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