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(S70) LW - Collin Roach, TPE: 30


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1 minute ago, Limax said:

Player Information

Username: Limax

Player Name: Collin Roach

Recruited From: YouTube

Age: 17

Position: LW

Height: 73 in.

Weight: 180 lbs.

Birthplace: United States of America


Player Page




Welcome to the league!

Let me know if you have any questions or need any help getting started!


You should check out our discord channel. Its super active and if you ever need any help its the quickest way to get it.



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Hi there @Limax and welcome to the VHL! I'm GustavMattias, GM of the Mississauga Hounds, and I'd like to offer you a spot on our roster.


If you sign with the Hounds, you'll be on our third line at the moment, though as lines get settled in and we're able to determine who's active, it's very possible that you'll be able to move up to the second or even the first, if you're active enough! We've got an amazing community on Discord, full of helpful people who can answer all of your questions. We're also aiming for success this season, and we'd like to have you on our team for the rest of the regular season and beyond!


If this interests you, please feel free to quote my offer and say "accepted," so I can get you on our roster.


All in all, welcome once again, and I look forward to seeing what you can do in our league!


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Hey there @Limax

I'm the General Manger of the Minnesota Storm. 


We can offer you a position on our second line, we are currently in fourth place and can use more active players! 


If you need any help feel free to message me here on the forums or DM me on Discord and I'll do my best to assist you - regardless of what team you decide to join. 
Looking forward to your decision and good luck with your career! 




General Manager
Minnesota Storm



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