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rjfryman log #5


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This week's log is brought to you by "Lots of Stress From Work"... Do you have a job that you need to keep paying the bills? Do you have a job that keeps you up at night? Do you have a job that even when you are away you think about all the time, then "Lots of Stress From Work" is just for you. After that word from our Sponsor. Our update this week is kinda sad. Life have been stressful from work, the holidays have been crazy with family and just trying to keep my head above water. But I'll share some things that are going on.



Honestly the thing I usually love so much kinda made me sad this last week, or was it a few weeks ago. Either way there was an update that went back and forth a bunch and ultimately ended up not being my call but caused a lot of stress because I just want to help people get their TPE and it kinda made me feel like if I don't just rubber stamp some updates people will be upset. I didn't know what to do but honestly it was some of the most stress I have had to deal with in this league. I try my hardest but that was stressful and honestly made we want to take a step back for a little. Luckily it was weird holiday time so I was able to get some rest and others did a great job filling in where I normally do a bunch of updates they filled in the gapes. Thank your updaters if you have not today.



I know its playoffs and holidays so hopefully my stuff will help eventually and maybe they ask for more and other cool stuff but for the time being Im just waiting to see what they need and want to do.


Draft Rankings:

I have the data I need to start doing the older rankings again just need to finish the front end code to get the right info to display depending on the settings. Should be good soon. Just need to get a little time but our sponsors are always doing their stuff.



We are in the second round of the playoffs our team is tied 2-2 and its hard to just sit and wait to see what is going to happen. Hopefully we go far but who knows anymore. And honestly its tough I'm at my final build basically and idk if I'm going to be putting more tpe or just full on fight depreciation. 

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