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Julius Freeman Buys his house in Vancouver


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Julius Freeman has had a rough season compared to what he was supposed to do this season. Julius is doing well in comparison to some other people in the league, so I don't want to sound like he is doing wrong or that he is not grateful for his ability and chances on his team. Who knows what makes one player become a world eater and the other just another top-line guy. Maybe the goaltenders are just outstanding nowadays, and it's hard for anyone to go off anymore. That would make sense just about every team has a good goalie and sometimes has a good back up as well. Maybe that is a conversation for another media spot, but I am not an expert. I am just an agent for Julius Freeman. There has been some news going on at the home front. That is the reason why outside of playing for his team, he has not been as active in other duties the way he should have. He is buying a house today. He closes today at 3 pm. It is super exciting for him and his wife. The house buying process has been rough on him and his mental well being, causing anything other than his minimal duties to fall to the wasteside. It is his first house ever, which is quite an accomplishment in his mind, and I congratulate him very much. It is a three-bedroom 2 bath home that is on a 1/3 of an acre which is enough space for him and his wife.
Life has been stressful with it since some parts of the process have been very smooth, while others have been less than bumpy. If I'm 100% honest now looking back, everything was pretty smooth. Freeman doesn't want to sound ungrateful for the life and opportunities he has had. The Issue its more of the fact that just about every deadline got pushed back. Since his wife and himself are more on the worriers than the calm, collective people they wish they could be every time something got pushed back, they would stress about every possible outcome for hours, and that stress consumed them for a while. There are very few things they did outside of being together with each other. They tried to watch some of their favorite tv shows, but after watching about an episode of anything, they would start to worry again. Maybe they need to begin to do some meditation exercises to help with their worrying and stress, but that is also another conversation for a different time. Honestly, now that we are about to sign all the papers today looking back, it has been a smooth process that just has taken longer than wanted or expected. The house looks fantastic for them. It is a 1952 house that just got renovated. It is a 3 min walk to his brothers' house, and it is within 20 mins drive to the center of the city. They are excited to close today and even more excited to move in a couple of weeks. We will keep those interested updated for who care.




Edited by rjfryman
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